Please improve the way individual tracks are moved in an album

At the moment the only way to move tracks within an album is by using the up and down arrows. This can take a heck of a lot of clicks in certain cases where several tracks need to be moved. Please consider adopting some king of drag and drop system - either for individual tracks, of for a selected block of tracks.



There are a few places in Roon where the touch screen friendly interface leads to a really inefficient interaction with mouse and keyboard. This screen being the worst offender.

I agree. Though I plan on integrating a touch screen in the future, more drag and drop abilities would be appreciated.

Hah, you’re being generous by calling this screen “touch screen friendly”. There’s nothing friendly about those up/down buttons :octopus:

Our UI toolkit has difficulties with drag/drop inside of scrolling areas…this was a compromise made a couple of days before launch to enable the functionality to go out the door in some form.

I’ve created a ticket to track this internally. We don’t intend to leave it this way long-term.

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This is a very old thread, but I am a newbie using room and just run into the painful reality of using those pesky arrows + scroll up and down to reordering and reassigning tracks in an album.
Has anything happened in this area that makes this necessity less of a torture?


We ended up putting more effort into the Track Grouping screen, which has some better tools for getting your files into order, and grouped into the correct discs. Once your files are in the right order, the Identify screen should just help you confirm the match to our database.

I would agree that the Identify screen could still be better, but I’m guessing the Grouping screen is probably the right tool for what you’re doing here. Definitely let me know if I’m missing something ok @Ignacio_aliagas?

Thanks for the feedback!

The Track Grouping Screen is indeed very useful but let’s say i’ve reordered an anthology by track’s release years. How am i supposed to reorder the tracks the way the official anthology lists them if i have no informations about that particular official album on the Track Grouping Screen?