Please report station errors here

It shouldn’t make a difference - though I’ve added it anyway.

More likely is the fact that there are 371 German stations in the database and Roon has a limit of 250 when displaying a list. Once it has loaded that list, filtering or reordering will not cause extra stations to enter that list.

So if your station is not in that first 250, you’re out of luck and need to search in some other manner - perhaps local stations and adjust the radius (the little globe next to the filter).

Searching by name always works of course.


It’s possible you are already onto this, but it looks like some (many?) of the LITT Live (old Dash?) stations have swapped streams and so some of the listings in Roon now play the “wrong” station…

For instance, if you stream Roon’s link for their station “The Strip” the broadcaster is now streaming “The city” station on that stream (DASH24)… and “The Strip” seems to be now on their DASH29 stream, that Roon have listed as “Cinescore”… (I don’t think “cinescore” actually exists now - might be mistaken)…

Another one I noticed was the link for the 80’s channel (DASH7) is now streaming the overdrive channel…

… and DASH5 is now streaming Hip Hop X (but not sure if is the clean or explicit version being broadcast)

Not sure how many of the Roon listings for the LITT Live stations are affected…

Groan… You’re right, and some channels have disappeared while lots of new ones have appeared.

This will take a while. Bear with me.

All old updated (some don’t exist any more) and new ones added.

Thanks very much indeed, Brian… I can see all the changes now…

My only problem now is that the process has left a few orphaned “station unavailable - station no longer exists” entries for the old redundant LITT Live entries in my “My LIve Radio” section and I cannot see how to remove them as the management “remove station” section appears to have disappeared for the orphaned entries… I shall have a play later, but might have to raise a help topic for that…

On the list of stations for your my live radio, select the dead ones - i.e. long press or right click - don’t play them. A 3 dot button should appear at the top. One of the options is to remove the stations from your library.

Thanks ever so much for the heads up @BrianW … All sorted now… :smiley:

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