Poll for those who don’t use ARC to ascertain if it’s don’t want to or can’t

So for those of you, who answered the do you use Roon poll and answered No, there are obviously two cohorts people who do not want to use it and people who tried but cannot get it to work, but would probably use it – which cohort are you in?

  • I’m not interested in using ARC as it is currently
  • I’d use ARC if it worked for me.
0 voters


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I can get ARC to work, but I’d only start to use it if it would download offline content to a micro SD.


In my use case it’s rather senseless to count on reliable mobile data connection since when at locations away from home, I’m not surrounded by (good) cell or WiFi connections. And listening to streaming music with more than 0% dropouts would be unacceptable for me. I want to enjoy and not to be annoyed by signal interruptions. So, I need full offline functionality. This said I need full control of my offline files in any respect without being limited by any kind of music app.

I also use a DAP and not a regular smartphone because of its dedicated audio components. As far as I know there’s currently only some A&K model fully supporting roon ARC, making use of its special audio hardware. Is this still the case?

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I am not interested in using ARC.

“…as it is currently” implicates something is missing that makes me not use it. This is not the case. I am not interested. At all.

I am quite happy with qobuz or spotify when on the road.


That’s exactly what I thought as well :wink:

I have no use for ARC in any form. Qobuz works well away from home as does downloading files to my phone for use in the car etc.


Despite answering ‘no’ in both polls, I guess that’s not strictly true…

I don’t listen to music out of the house. Why would I? If I’m out, I’m out. I have a radio in the car. Maybe if I had a grim commute on public transport I’d feel different, but I don’t understand why I should want access to everything all the time.

I do - sometimes - use ARC to look something up. I could probably just use Wikipedia.

I have no interest in accessing my music library while I’m away from home. I am more than content relying on Apple Music or Qobuz for music while I’m out and about. In my world, Roon is for seriously listening through the Big Rig™ while I’m at home.


I can’t make it work - maybe my location (Philippines) and local service providers. Even if I could it would only be my wife that used it as I don’t like listening to music on headphones.

I use ARC (iPhone) in the car - works just fine.

Just back from 10 days on Mallorca :slight_smile: ARC worked just fine (connection). BUT on my DAP still NO bit perfect playback :frowning:


Constantly crashes for both me and my buddy. Forced to use Plex but Plex interface is not as good as ARC. Wish it was reliable.

I’m satisfied with Qobuz and files saved to my devices, no need to compromise my home network security.


I’m a new user and just tryiing to figure out how to get it to work!

I’ll just reiterate that Arc is great. I use all the time in transit (I take a train to work). I use if when I’m outside or at the gym getting some exercise.

Part of the reason that I use Roon at all is because I have a large personal library. Arc is already fairly stable, at least in my area. As it improves, I’ll have less and less need to pay for a streaming service.

Can’t make ARC work in San Diego even while connecred to an enterprise class network at a university. Tried many suggestions and my local network says it is correctly configured.

First version simply didn’t work so I just use Tidal when connected and downloads when offline. Also wasn’t;t without problems but works OK now.

I don’t use Arc, and don’t intend to. I hope that in a future release of Roon a on/off switch for Arc will be introduced. I don’t see why this couldn’t be done, which would not impact anyone who uses Arc (could be set to on as default).

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Tried it early on with iPhone 11, but could not get it to work as an off-line player (e.g. on airplane). Content disappeared, would not play anything I loaded onto phone. So using different FLAC player on iPhone. Have not re-tried it since the early days.

I tend to listen to the Radio in the car, provided it’s not too infuriating

Occasionally I use Tidal via Bluetooth to the car stereo. If I’m flying, I use an A&K DAP

I don’t really have any urge to go through the (often seemingly fraught*) process of setting up and using Arc.

It seems wasteful to me to leave my Nucleus on just to access it remotely when I can get 99%+ of my library from Tidal (there’s almost complete overlap with my own 3000 odd CD rips and Bandcamp purchases)

Being selfish, I’d prefer more (all?) Roon resources to concentrate on the core product/service - which is, after all, what I bought my lifetime license for!

*50%+ of help requests are for Arc?


I don’t listen to music anywhere but my music room, ARC is not anything I need.