Post your fave crazy/funny reviews

As we are pretty much tied to reading the reviews from in our Roon album displays, I thought it would be fun to post some reviews which we find completely off-kilter, odd, or downright distressing :slight_smile: - If nothing else it might spark up a bit of a debate!

Here’s a couple to start the ball rolling…

Ok, so there are a couple of duffers on it, but the good stuff is really very good indeed, up there with the best DS…It’s a 3 1/2 * album, imho, and worthy of a much brighter set of prose…

What the heck is going on here? Sizzles and slashes, no idle, ahem, wanking… not a bad word, so why only 2 stars!

Ok, and I know this is completely my own opinion, and who am I to fly in the face of high “art” but, come on, this is just cacaphony…LSD was a big part of Coltranes life at this stage and it shows… :smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Post your worst reviewed music