Prefer Qobuz over Tidal (or local, or vice-versa) as Preference [implemented in build 987]

In my case Roon is playing Tidal by default as well, it is hardly playing Qobuz in the radio station mode.
Even when I force to play Roon to play a specific song from Qobuz, the next song is again Tidal and then Tidal, Tidal and Tidal again.
This is not why I have Roon and Qobuz. This must change rapidly Roon people. Otherwise I’m afraid that my Roon subscription will not last very long.



I think this is hardly a “corner case” as a feature. Roon only has two subscription service options (hopefully this can be expanded), but I’ll assume that many users who are willing to pay for a subscription to Roon are doing so to organize their choices and tastes across both of those services. However, there is a great overlap and Roon is not allowing their subscribers to take full advantage of this.

As a service which touts is ability to seamlessly combine music sources, this feature should be standard. As part of a Roon configuration the user should be able to select:

  1. preferred library order
  2. preferred format (FLAC, MQA, etc, and bitrate)

Roon should also be “smart” enough to switch between services/sources when tracks in one library may not be available. Also, the failure to load a song from a service due to the nasty “too slow” message should not appear if Roon can switch to another service/library.

Roon should then use its magic to make the subsequent streaming transparent to the user.

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Any chance you could consolidate this one with this feature request below? I think they are the same thing, but you should read and reflect before hitting go. This is one I feel strongly about so want it to have votes.



Finally, @AceRimmer i think this one also qualifies as a version of the same feature. Again, use your judgement.

I support this request! It is really needed to allow the User to select which streaming service to prioritize. To clarify, I want to be able to select Qobuz (for example) and then when I select an album not in my Library, I want to see the Qobuz VERSION first…right now TIDAL always comes first if both TIDAL and Qobuz have the album.

It’s a little more complex, some people want to prioritize sample rates over which streaming service, and some people have preferences that interweave the two. But your version would be a good v1.

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@Geoff_Coupe : and one more

Merged /10chars

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Adding my vote for this feature request. Qobuz is the better service for those who haven’t sipped the MQA cool aid.


You should do a poll. Much easier to see what people gravitate to

Hi- did you actually vote at the top of the thread? Adding your message to the thread doesn’t help, but voting does.


I solved the problem by keeping both. For under $30 a month, I have the best of both worlds. I still have my big library of my music files. For the price, it is a bargain even to keep both. Back in my CD days, I would easily spend that much on CD’s.

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I did now. Thanks for the heads up

Voting is always at the top of the thread. Like most, I’d LOVE this option.

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It doesn’t really solve the problem. I have both as well but I would prefer Qobuz to be preferred across my entire Roon experience. I have to manually go to versions and select the Qobuz album when browsing albums not in my library. It’s not a dealbreaker but it’s also not a great experience for someone like me who prefers Qobuz and has little interest in MQA.

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Just added my last vote to this thread.

Now 100 votes total, pretty impressive, hopefully somebody is paying attention :innocent:

Last night I was listening to what should have been a great Roon curated playlist.
However as I recently rejoined Tidal due to the $9.99 tier change I now find that the playlists are populated with Tidal and even worse MQA tracks!!

Not what I want or was used to having previously when I used to use just Qobuz streaming service.

This I appear to have no choice in track streaming provider for these playlists so thats now spoiled them for myself somewhat.


It should be in Roon interest to implement this, as they won’t have to pay MQA fee for songs available in both services. And also prioritize local FLAC over MQA.

Especially MQA 16 bit ought to be the absolutely last priority.


We each have our own preferences. There are many who would prefer local to Qobuz, or Tidal to Qobuz, or “the highest res available”. We need a (reasonably) flexible system.


It is easier to use the focus button than to check in the versions.
When I browse through Tidal and Qobuz, frist thing I do is hit the Qobuz button; all Tidal albums gone. :slight_smile: Next button is to check if there are highres versions available.
To store these focus settings as default, would easily solve this request.

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I wish that would work, but ”album view” is not the use case many here are trying to solve for…

  • When you’re exploring through content (discography, or reading credits or an artist overview), and you follow a link to a new artist or album not in your library, you want to be able to hit “play now” without going into versions first, and have a “reasonable assumption” / ability to control what’s going to happen (or you want to explore the full discography to find the album you’re interested in, but then hit play now and have it “observe your preferences”)
  • when Roon radio is playing, many here would prefer their own local versions to either streaming service, or one streaming service over the other, etc
  • etc

I use the focus feature all the time to find stuff in my library or in Qobuz hi-def or whatever. But most of the time I want to troll through content and not have to worry about it doing what I want.