Prefer Qobuz over Tidal (or local, or vice-versa) as Preference [implemented in build 987]

+1, would also suggest option to pick default format e.g. 44/24 FLAC above 44/24 MQA or vice versa based on user’s preference (which might be bias or actual experience based on user’s system)


@danny Any chance to get this anytime soon?

+1 to this too, I’m only on a trial of Tidal but have had to disable it in Roon as it was ALWAYS prioritised over Qobuz. Wouldn’t be so much of an issue if albums added to playlists were format agnostic


Everytime Roon Radio play Tidal, I have to stop and switch to Qobuz.
Please add in next release!!!:pray::pray:


Simply Log out of Tidal?
How many tracks do you think Tidal has that Qobuz doesn’t now, I wonder how many searches would be affected by such a thing?

That’s essentially “unsubscribe”… Which I’ve done a few times now. I keep coming back and signing up for Tidal to “fill in a few of the cracks”…

+9 million for this. It really is a feature that should have been added as soon as Qobuz became available. Thanks - looking forward to this very much (including Radio).


I’m a recent Qobuz convert from Tidal and def +1 this feature!


A thought… when in Settings > Services, if you could arrange the connected services in whatever order you choose, that would correlate to the search order.

Or… when in the Browse section, if you’re in a Service, it will only search in that Service. If you’re in the Home section and search, it will search all connected services.

Personally I’d prefer the first, so if you’re searching Home or Genres or whatever, it still prioritizes the results accordining to your preferred services.


I would like to have this option aswel. Since Qobuz is paying more to the artist per played song

Maybe Roon pays less for specific content providers. Just a speculation…

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I would like this feature.

I ‘add’ a lot of selected cuts of albums and I reached my 10,000 favorite limit on Tidal and could add no more.
While I have changed some tidal favs to Qobuz and I have some room, I would prefer to new albums play the Qobuz version.


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Agree 100%! I’ve asked for this feature too! We should be able to choose which service we want to prioritize over the other. I too would select Qobuz due to the limit issue on TIDAL. Right now, TIDAL seems to always be the first choice…


I guess we need more votes. This would be great to avoid all the MQA. There are past posts requesting essentially the same thing. And yes removing Tidal is not an option since it had hifi albums that qobuz does note.


I like the MQA unfold


Indeed I’d like a way to favour one streaming platform over the other when both have the content.



This has votes.

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thx i voted there

Vote from here as well

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+2 for this feature - I find it very annoying that Roon always defaults to Tidal when I always default to Qobuz.

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