Primephonic support by Roon

Is there any update on this?

Anyone interested in seeing Primephonic integration with roon can register their interest here:

Primephonic is Classical only streaming. Personally I am finding the catalogue deeper in areas I am interested in than Qobuz. I really like the navigation and the focus on expert human curation in terms of themed playlists and discovery etc. Not sure how that side of Primephonic and other streaming sites that emphasise expert curation over algorithmic automation could be preserved in roon. On the other hand the replay connectivity options are very basic in Primephonic. That is not something I find an issue particularly but I assume any RAAT integration with roon would certainly improve that.

Looking forward to this happening, if it ever does.
Have you tried contacting Primephonic?

I think integration of the streaming service itself is not the problem. The problem is the integration of the metadata of the classical music.

No. But some might not be aware that there is a simple link to register things you would like to see (above). Might get some traction going. Unfortunately you only seem to be able to choose one radio button, so I chose roon. But there are at least half a dozen other options I would have chosen. I really like Primephonic but the technical integration is obviously weak compared with roon but for me personally its unimportant.

The organization and depth of the curated playlists is fantastic. It’s such a contrast to roon where the equivalent is community posts and a few popular “listening now” threads. I actually re-construct Primephonic playlists manually in roon which is where I have started to notice that Primephonic often has a deeper catalogue that Qobuz as things are missing, certainly much deeper than my local library.

I wounder if there is an easier way of getting Primephonic playlists into roon?

Yes. I’m sure that is the case. But for me the added value (beyond the depth of the catalogue) is the curation team they have assembled. Now, if there was an easy way of getting those playlists into roon I don’t think I care as much about the metadata as I thought I would now the novelty of that has worn off.

Didn’t see that. Didn’t look hard enough I guess. If the mods can tack this onto the back of that thread that would be best

That’s @done.

Thanks . . . . . .

Has there been any progress in getting Roon support for Primephonic?


Great follow-up, I second that!

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Does Roon consider integrating Primephonic in the near future? That would be great news for all classical music lovers.


Primephonic has been bought by Apple and will be integrated into Apple Music. Thinking this means no Roon integration.



Not sure how they will merge the 2 or will they simply add Primephonic’s expertise to make Apple Music more Classical friendly !!

Primephonic just purchased by Apple

Primephonic has announced that they have been purchased by Apple Computers and will be used to expand the Classical experience in Apple Music so Roon integration is unlikely to EVER happen.

So much for Primephonic. Apple strikes again. Pity.