Probably the best hifi show in the world - and now free entry!

The unique WAM hifi show, now called the Maverick show after the demise of HiFiWigWam, is taking place this October 27th in Barnsley.

The unique thing about the show is it is normal people (okay normal music and hifi obsessives) coming and setting up their systems in a hotel room for all and sundry to to come and see and most importantly listen and have a chat about.

Hotel address is Holiday Inn Barnsley Rd, Dodworth, Barnsley S75 3JT



What does this show entail?
Not far from me so could be interested

At the Maverick Show over 40 members of the Maverick forum take their systems to the Holiday Inn in Barnsley and set them up in the hotel rooms. This gives visitors the chance to see and listen to a huge variety of systems and most will be able to play your music, hopefully through Roon. This year we have some super big loudspeaker systems, homemade systems and a large number of them use valve amplifiers. And a lot of systems for small rooms.

A small number of companies will be there including Audionote who will have a special system to hear.

The Show is run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts and any money made will go towards next year’s Show.

There will also be a raffle with some really nice audio equipment kindly donated by dealers and companies. All the money collected from the raffle will be given to Barnsley Hospice who look after terminally ill children and their families.

We have booked the whole hotel so there will be lots of discussion on music and audio.

Please come along and have a great day.