I have a Tidal account and I have my hard drive filled with thousands of artists and albums connected to my laptop running Roon…when I click on my library it shows for the most part my albums on my hard drive with Tidal listings below for the artist.Sometimes it does not display the album on my hard drive and will instead display only the Tidal version.I have been trying to figure out why this and to correct it so I see the hard drive version…any ideas or help appreciated!
What are the specs of the laptop … assuming this is where the core is running…if not then specs for both core and remote
up to date macbook pro…pretty much the majority of albums show up but some do not…cant figurre out why
Roon is built on a cross-platform library that restricts the filenames it can handle relative to what macOS allows. More details here.
Does nothing to detail the specs of your hardware… OS version or disk type and processor etc.
Where is your core running? Is it all on the one laptop? Where is your music - internal disk or external? What format if external?
How many are missing? The same ones missing each time or varies? How big is your library?
You really need to provide as much info when asking for help as you can. Less is not more.
See I'm having a problem with Roon -- how do I report it? - #5 by RoonFAQ
Ok let me be more specific. I have a muddy waters anthology cd on my external hard drive. When I go into my library under muddy waters I see all the albums on my hard drive except the anthology. In this case I see the tidal version of the album. When I engage the search function I am able to find the album from the hard drive but cannot get it into the library. More often than not my albums from the hard drive do show up in the library but in many cases I am unable to find them in the library although I know they are on the hard drive
Let’s get even more specific, the Muddy Waters anthology, what is it’s provenance? (CD you ripped, download you purchased (like itunes for example)? What is it’s format? (Wav, mp3, flac, etc)
Roon can be set to Hide Duplicates, you might check that Show Hidden on the GEneral Page in Settings is set to No. If set to Yes, Roon will display only what it sees as the best version of the album. In this case, if you go to the album in Roon, there will be an “Other Versions” button that will allow you to see and choose other versions. (Note this only functions when you are set to HIDE duplicates)
That being said, Roon will choose a Tidal stream at CD quality over a local MP3 version as the Primary Version. Hence, my first question about the Muddy Waters album.
The anthology is a FLAC download from the original CD…it does not show up when i set it to not show hidden tracks…I do not see an option for other versions when i find the FLAC album from my hard drive in the search function…what is frustrating me is I can find the album using the search function but cannot seem to get it into the muddy waters listing in my library…I do have many occasions where roon seems to show both he tidal version and my FLAC version and many where it only shows the FLAC version.In this particular case my library listing of muddy waters is showing numerous FLAC albums from my hard drive but not this anthology album,only the idal version