Here is the update. I made the changes in options that you suggested. Now I get a pretty pink box that says:There was an unexpected Error:UnexpectedError. I tried both user names and got the same result. I am unsure if this is better than Access Forbidden. As for my computer password it is six letters and a number and is idiotically simple. There are no special characters.
As a PS, I tried Mr. GIllespie’s suggestion. Using different permutations of my name i got the same response. Host not found.
I will be out of town from the 24th to the 2nd and will not be able to work with this until I return. In the interim maybe something will come up to resolve this issue. I have tried all the suggestions listed above and seem further away from the solution than before. I acknowledge this may be a Mac issue, but, if it is why has no one else seen the same problem?
If you set up a share on this second Mac using the methods outlined above and you try to add this as a watched folder in Roon does this work for you?
This thread should go in the User/Support Hall of Fame. Great job so far one and all. Hope the OP gets success on the 2nd.
Well all I can say all guys is that my experience 3 weeks ago suggests it is an Apple not a Roon issue. When I tried to input the local address shown in the file sharing dialogue box it didn’t work despite endless checking.
When we instead inputted my Apple “Home Folder” name into The Roon set up (I checked with my son as to exactly what he entered - in my personal case it reads “marcgillespie.local\Music”) rather than the File sharing address “Marcs-MacBook-Pro …etc” the Roon Add Folder routine works perfectly.
Using an IP address, as the OP has already tried, should render this approach irrelevant, but who knows at this point.
Hello all. I am back from vacation and after catching up with work attempted some of the recommendations that have been posted since I left. If I did not mention it before I attempted using the numerical IP address for the Mini to have the devices communicate. It was not successful. I tried some of the ideas presented by Mr. Gillespie. I went through the various combinations of inputs he implies in the hope one might work. Nada! They were less successful than my initial attempts. As I seem to have exhausted all I can do here I am going to follow a suggestion of one of my friends. I called the shop where I bought the device and asked if I could bring it in to him. He has a different system than mine. We will see if things work with his system! A different system may give an idea of what could be happening.
I took the device to the vendor and they were able to get the Roon to exchange data with the Mac they have in the store. I have the device back home and am going to try the same methods they used. I am optimistic it works. If I do not get it to work here I will take my system to the vendor and have their tech try it. I will let you know what was done to to finally get the device operational. I just ask that you extend the trial a couple of more weeks. Thanks for your patience.
Herb Summers
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