Problem playing albums

Roon Core Machine

Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Your network gear (model of routers/switches) and if on WiFi/Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.)

Number of Tracks in Library

Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”

Description of Issue

Dear ROON users,

I’ve been using ROON for about half a year now and I keep having problems playing music.

First, I have the following hardware that I use for playing the music.

1- Netgear NAS with four drives of 6TB each containing all my albems. (library).
2- Cirrus 7 Nimbini with ROON installed on it. (LINUX)
3- Auralic Aries G1 streaming transporter
4- Samsung tablet with the ROON app.

My modem is in bridge mode in my meter cupboard and I have installed Unifi routers throughout the house.

So the Auralic Aries streams the music wirelessly.

Now it is the case that when I play music, it plays music for about 1 to 2 minutes and then the music stops playing and a text appears at the bottom where the time bar is located (An audio file is loading slowly. This may indicate a performance or hardware problem). What problem could this be.

Very occasionally I can listen to music for an evening with none of the above mentioned problem.

I have the latest updates installed so I don’t think it could be that.

Can someone tell me how this is possible and what the solution is

thanks in advance

You probably won’t like my answer, that it’s likely caused by your local WiFi setup.

If not too troublesome for you, you could run the Auralic hardwired for a test to see if that eliminates the problem, then work from there…

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Hi Marin,

I have already tried that to connect the Auralic wired, but it gives the same problems.
So the Wifi is not a problem either

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Hey @Dirk_Jaspers,

Ben here with the support team, I hope this note finds you well! My apologies for the long delay in my response. We’ve made some recent changes to the support team structure and some reports have experienced a longer response time than usual.

I’ve added some additional info for you to fill out on your original post. This setup information will help the support team better access the issue that you’re experiencing.

Since some time has passed I wanted to touch base to get your current status. If you’re still experiencing this problem on the newest Roon build (970) and need assistance please let us know. Please Make sure to only have Roon server running on one machine within your setup to avoid issues.

We’ll be watching for your reply and get back in touch as quickly as we can. Thanks!

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