Problem Roon, Qobuz, Mexico (and also Brazil, Colombia, ...) [Activation in process - see Staff Post]

If we want @support to pick up on this, I think we should move this thread to the support category… I can do this…

I’ve now tried to restart my Roon Core, and I’ve renamed the Cache folder on the server… to no avail. In the Roon Remote I can login into Qobuz, but Roon behaves just as if it wasn’t aware that a Qobuz account is available.

As both @julcat and myself use Qobuz accounts created in countries where Qobuz has been only very recently made available, I wonder if the good folks at Roon must do some backend setup on their side to habilitate these new countries of Qobuz world…

Anyway, login into Qobuz works, and playback from the Qobuz app works, too. But Roon won’t sync anything… nor will it extend searches to Qobuz… A little disappointing…

Também vivencio o mesmo problema no Brasil, confira meu tópico:

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Happy that Qobuz finally landed on Brazilian soil. I immediately signed up, it works perfectly on the iPhone. However, to my frustration, I found that my subscription doesn’t integrate with Roon.
I’ve logged in and I’m on, but the Qobuz content doesn’t show up.
Any solution in sight?

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Here are two new Qobuz users from Mexico and Colombia with the same problem:

Obrigado pela informação, vejo que não estou isolado nesse problema hehe. Talvez o suporte Roon ou Qobuz tenha uma solução rápida.


Thanks for the information, I see that I’m not isolated in this problem hehe. Maybe Roon or Qobuz support has a quick fix.

I have the feeling that there may be Qobuz-Roon integration problems with new Qobuz accounts from countries where Qobuz only recently has been made available…

Maybe @support can repond to this one ?
But similar issues when Qobuz got introduced in other countries as well. Roon need to align with these new country specific accounts.

Abri consulta para o suporte Qobuz e também pelo Instagram, qualquer novidade informo vocês.
Penso que seja apenas uma inconsistência momentânea, falta algum comando do lado de Roon ou Qobuz para a coisa funcionar.


I opened a query for Qobuz support and also on Instagram, any news I’ll let you know.
I think it’s just a momentary inconsistency, it lacks some command from the Roon or Qobuz side for the thing to work.


That’s exactly what I believe… hopefully they get this sorted out before too long…

I’m very sure this is Roon specific - it is not a bug, but they currently only allow Qobuz accounts for “known” countries. They just allow these countries (this might be because they are not allowed to support Qobuz integration until the country is officially supported by Qobuz?).

I’m sure this will be solved shortly. Not sure if new version of Roon is required, or if this is done on the cloud side of things?

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Here a snippet from my Roon server logs which shows the use of the country code qobuz-co… there may lie the problem. I believe this is sorted out on Roon’s backend services.

05/02 18:20:17 Debug: [easyhttp] [11303] GET to returned after 414 ms, status code: 304

The HTTP 304 Not Modified client redirection response code indicates that there is no need to retransmit the requested resources .

Yes, and this is false… I did favorite albums in the Qobuz app, and these favorites are not picked up by Roon…

In fact, Roon doesn’t pick up anything from Qobuz… no playlists, no favorite albums or artists or tracks… no new releases… nothing.

I think Roon has not added support yet for Qobuz in your country, not more complicated.

Why Roon must added support for each specific country I don’t know - quess this is connected to how Qobuz works.

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I agree. That is what’s probably happening.

So seems like login works, but retrieving music or lists of music based on category etc is not supported.

Exactly so… nothing except Qobuz login works in Roon…

The root cause of these reports will be related so I’ve merged them into one #support topic.


Somente para informar que tenho uma conta Qobuz em EUA, mesmo estando no Brasil. Funciona perfeitamente em Roon. Portanto, acredito que o problema não seja de qual país parte o acesso. A minha assinatura é nova, percebi que Qobuz preparou-se para o Brasil, já vi muitas coisas muito bacanas, fruto de um trabalho árduo de pré lançamento no país.
Então, o problema está na inscrição que é própria para cada país. Não demora e teremos uma solução.

Just to inform you that I have a Qobuz account in the USA, even though I am in Brazil. Works perfectly in Roon. Therefore, I believe that the problem is not which country the access comes from. My subscription is new, I realized that Qobuz was prepared for Brazil, I’ve seen many very cool things, the result of a hard pre-launch work in the country.
So, the problem lies in the registration that is specific to each country. Don’t delay and we will have a solution.