Managed to connect to tablet. In correct directory in terminal on my Mac, but when I enter adb shell I get the response zsh: command not found: adb
However it is in the directory: I can launch it by double clicking from where it is stored, but it opens its own terminal window and gives me a list of arguments for the command, no control and then cannot type after it says completed in that terminal window…
Hoping I have finally got it to work. Have a .txt file but when I try to post on the link provided it continually gets to 99% then fails (2.53MB).
Any idea why??
Just tried this. When opening app does not ask me to sign in and then tries to connect to my public IP not my ROCK IP, so basically the exact same issue.
Our development team is taking a closer look into your issue, and so I should have more information to share later this week. I appreciate your patience in the meantime!
What is the specific IP assigned after you tried this?
This isn’t a supported server setup, please temporarily set up a new server (like the proper Roon version made for Mac) and let me know if you run into the same issue.
Are you using two routers currently? It could be the case where one of your routers isn’t properly set to bridge mode and therefore interfering.
Overall, to continue troubleshooting your issue, we’ll need a roon server setup within scope, and a simplified network setup. Set up a direct, hardwired connection from your server to a single router, and let me know how things run.