Pure McCartney on TIDAL, It's there, but tracks are wrong

Actually, it should change the track names if you Identify the album again. If you select Identify and make sure you select the 67 track album with Early Days as track 10, it should fix it right up.

Another option, is to delete the album, then go to Settings > Setup and select Clean Up Library. Then Re-add the album. It should select the correct metadata this time.

I’ve done both procedures and it worked each time.

Cheers, Greg

The first one doesn’t work at all. Nothing changes. Believe me, I tried all four of the options and nothing fixed this.

Deleting the album and re-adding it to the library did solve the problem. So it is correct now. But I should note the delete and re-adding to the library has not worked over the last week until tonight.

The thing is, until we know why this happened @mike it makes me question the metadata for most all TIDAL albums since there is nothing (like my own files) to compare it to. I’d like to know more about how Roon receives information from TIDAL about an album and how this problem happened andy why it is either an isolated problem or a sign of systemic one with the integration. So far, I’ve seen lots of problems with TIDAL and major new releases from major artists like Paul McCartney, David Bowie, and Eric Clapton.

[quote=“Greg, post:42, topic:11530”]
Another option, is to delete the album, then go to Settings > Setup and select Clean Up Library. Then Re-add the album. It should select the correct metadata this time.
[/quote]that’s exactly what I’d described above, only reintroducing the album Roon didn’t match it to the correct track sequencing, it accepts the mismatched tracks/ metadata without raising any red flag - if it cannot match received metadata to file metadata the album is usually unidentified with mismatched tracks highlighted in red when doing manual identification.

Hey @evand – the track title mistakes you’re describing all look like confusion between the 39 track edition and the 67 track deluxe edition. Can you try Edit > Identify and see if there’s a version where all the tracks match up?
It should not look like this:

You may need to search, but for what it’s worth I just downloaded this album, and all the tracks seem to line up for me. Let me know if that doesnt resolve this on your end.

@fritzg – as I mentioned above, your Core doesn’t have access to the underlying metadata from TIDAL, but it’s strange that you’re still having issues here.

Can you delete the album from your Roon library, and sync Roon to TIDAL? Then re-add it in Roon, sync, and then post a web link here to the album you’re seeing in your TIDAL library on their site?


I’ve now tried everything I can think to try as well as everything you and @Greg have suggested. Short of telling Roon to prefer my tags nothing yields the correct track listing.

Manually identifying the album shows the problem clearly - 1) there’s only one album to pick from and 2) Roon’s not detecting that the track names in the underlying files are different to that it’s suggesting:

Yeah, wow that’s definitely wrong. Something is different about your edition – my files match, and if I click identfiy, I get this:

What happens if you hit None Of These Look Right – you should get the editions in my screenshot?

Also, do you mind zipping up the files and putting them on the server @evand? I want to make sure we can reproduce this in house and understand this better.

Hey @evand,

As you know, there’s usually an album with a number of releases under the artwork.

In this case, there are actually 4 different albums that are separated. See here:

Try a different album and see if that works.

Cheers, Greg

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@Greg, I would if I could…

Ok, that’s a little weird. But, like @mike says, if you click None of These Look Right and search Paul McCartney Pure McCartney, does it find the albums like in my screenshot?

If not, it’s obviously an issue because of the HD Tracks download. Us guys who have been successful are matching with a the Tidal version.

Cheers, Greg

@mike and @Greg

I’m getting bizarre results here. Selecting “None of these look right” I’m presented with a long list of albums, the first four of which are various releases of this album. My first question is why are they not simply listed as different releases of the same album rather than discrete album entries?

In any event, I managed to find a match (it was the 4th entry in the screenshot below. Roon reported no mistmatches with that album and filenames appeared to match Roon’s proposed metadata. I saved it.

I then decided to see what would happen if I redid the matching. One one occasion I get a match for all but one track and on another I get 7 mismatches. Is it possible Roon isn’t retrieving all possible album matches and getting the match the first time was just a random crapshoot?

I’ve deleted the album, forced a rescan, will run a database cleanup then reintroduce the album once again.

@mike, do you want the entire album uploaded 2.9GB? The album is a perfect match for http://www.allmusic.com/album/mw0002934750. Happy to upload if you need me to.

Not sure this’ll help, but here are the filenames:

1-01 - Maybe I'm Amazed.flac 1-02 - Heart of the Country.flac 1-03 - Jet.flac 1-04 - Warm and Beautiful.flac 1-05 - Listen to What the Man Said.flac 1-06 - Dear Boy.flac 1-07 - Silly Love Songs.flac 1-08 - The Song We Were Singing.flac 1-09 - Uncle AlbertAdmiral Halsey.flac 1-10 - Early Days.flac 1-11 - Big Barn Red.flac 1-12 - Another Day.flac 1-13 - Flaming Pie.flac 1-14 - Jenny Wren.flac 1-15 - Too Many People.flac 1-16 - Let Me Roll It.flac 1-17 - New.flac 2-01 - Live and Let Die.flac 2-02 - English Tea.flac 2-03 - Mull of Kintyre.flac 2-04 - Save Us.flac 2-05 - My Love.flac 2-06 - Bip Bop.flac 2-07 - Let 'Em In.flac 2-08 - Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five.flac 2-09 - Calico Skies.flac 2-10 - Hi, Hi, Hi.flac 2-11 - Waterfalls.flac 2-12 - Band on the Run.flac 2-13 - Appreciate.flac 2-14 - Sing the Changes.flac 2-15 - Arrow Through Me.flac 2-16 - Every Night.flac 2-17 - Junior's Farm.flac 2-18 - Mrs Vandebilt.flac 3-01 - Say Say Say.flac 3-02 - My Valentine.flac 3-03 - Pipes of Peace.flac 3-04 - The World Tonight.flac 3-05 - Souvenir.flac 3-06 - Dance Tonight.flac 3-07 - Ebony and Ivory.flac 3-08 - Fine Line.flac 3-09 - Here Today.flac 3-10 - Press.flac 3-11 - Wanderlust.flac 3-12 - Winedark Open Sea.flac 3-13 - Beautiful Night.flac 3-14 - Girlfriend.flac 3-15 - Queenie Eye.flac 3-16 - We All Stand Together.flac 4-01 - Coming Up.flac 4-02 - Too Much Rain.flac 4-03 - Good Times ComingFeel the Sun.flac 4-04 - Goodnight Tonight.flac 4-05 - Baby's Request.flac 4-06 - With a Little Luck.flac 4-07 - Little Willow.flac 4-08 - Only Mama Knows.flac 4-09 - Don't Let It Bring You Down.flac 4-10 - The Back Seat of My Car.flac 4-11 - No More Lonely Nights.flac 4-12 - Great Day.flac 4-13 - Venus and MarsRock Show.flac 4-14 - Temporary Secretary.flac 4-15 - Hope for the Future.flac 4-16 - Junk.flac folder.jpg

Ok @mike and @Greg, I’ve discovered a bug here.

After having matched and saved as described in previous post I checked to see if I can reproduce the subsequent mismatch. To do this I went back to identity album, none of these look right, selected the first album Roon proposed and then saved that, regardless of the fact there were reported mismatches.

Thereafter I repeated the process and selected the 4th album (i.e. that which previously matched 100% apart from the fact I have discnumber assigned). Now 3 tracks don’t match :joy:

So, as I see it there’s only one way to get this album matched - move the album out of watched folders, force a rescan, clean up track, reintroduce the album, let Roon automatically incorrectly match it, manually identify album, select none of these match and then select the 4th entry and save it.

Here’s the matching entry:

@mike As I mentioned above after deleting the album and adding it back to the library last night it is correct. This had not worked before.

What was the problem with this? Was it unique to this album or something systemic?

Yours Tidal or local?

Mine is TIDAL.