QNAP - Not Showing Local Folders Anymore [See Staff Post - Fix is released]

For those folks still experiencing issues, ill list steps I took to make things work again. Some of them may not be needed, but just in case im leaving them in.

Step 1: Uninstall Roon server from QNAP NAS
Step 2: Turned OFF File Service for Windows Networking - Not sure this is needed, but I had a silly hunch.
Step 3: Completely deleted my Roon database and folder. Blew it all away. Was unable to delete through file explorer completely, so I had to SSH into NAS and rm -r the directory.
Step 4: Reinstalled Roon Server from QNAP App Store
Step 5: Opened Roon on my desktop machine, forgot the old core, added new core.
Step 6: Added the library location through the Roon Client on desktop

This cleared the issue for me. Yes, it completely wipes our settings and library customizations.

Roon folks, i love this software - but it breaks a LOT. Please get some QA going on a wider set of configurations. Roon has been out of commission for me probably 1 month out of the last year - from a traditional SLA standpoint, thats no bueno.

Thanks everyone, hope yall get things working.