QNAP - Roon Server = Stopped after update [Fixed in build 880]

Thank you @BlackJack. I did the update.

Unfortunately, @noris, nothing has changed. Roon hangs upon launch.

The app still can see the server and the folders on my NAS, but the app does not start.

Hey @tboooe,

Could you please let us know:

  • the QTS version
  • any troubleshooting attempted (e.g. RoonServer package update, reinstall, etc.)
  • storage location and the way it is connected to the Core

Thanks :pray:

Hey @Vladimir_Grayvoronsk,

We’re so sorry about that. Could you please share the below info?

  • the QTS version
  • any troubleshooting attempted (e.g. RoonServer package update, reinstall, etc.)
  • storage location and the way it is connected to the Core

Thanks, @Adams_Chang for the information. We’re so sorry you were impacted by this :pensive: . We’re collecting information for our QA and technical teams so they can work on a solution. We appreciate the help.

Could you please also let us know if you’ve tried any troubleshooting steps (reinstalling, rebooting, a force rescan, etc.)?

Hey @Vladimir_Grayvoronsk,

We appreciate your efforts in making this work :pray: .

Could you please share the following details about your setup as well? It would help so much in understanding the issue and working on a solution:

  • the Roon Core (what NAS is it)
  • the QTS version
  • any troubleshooting attempted (e.g. RoonServer package update, reinstall, etc.)
  • location of your local library

Hi All,

Thank you for trying the new Build, and sorry to hear that it hasn’t helped in all cases here. We are splitting the two symptoms, this thread will only discuss RoonServer failing to start/endless jellyfish logo.

If RoonServer is starting, but you are still not seeing local library content, we have moved these posts to a separate thread so that the issues are clearer:

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Hi @beka

Thanks for following up. I provided these details in the questionnaire along with the logfiles already, but if it can help, here it is:

  • the Roon Core (what NAS is it)
    QNAP HS-251

  • the QTS version

  • any troubleshooting attempted (e.g. RoonServer package update, reinstall, etc.)
    Yes, reinstall, updated packages (twice)

  • location of your local library
    ? I don’t think I got the question. The library is in Multimedia / Music folder on my NAS. It is connected via an Ethernet cable.

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Amazing, @Vladimir_Grayvoronsk. Thank you for answering all questions. I’ve added them to the report. We’ll keep everyone posted :pray:

Hi All,

We’ve heard from some users that enabling guest access to their local drives has helped with finding local drives again, and we are wondering if this may be causing RoonServer from start properly.

For those still impacted by this issue, can you please verify if setting Guest Access Right to Allow has any effect on RoonServer starting?


Hi Noris,

unfortunately, it has no effect.

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i have try reinstall , reboot
but this 850 update. only generate a log file. even the roonserver folder is not create.

It could mount local storage on QNAP now, but it could only mount part of my storage, my music folder is unseen:

I have many folders in yuchen:

  • Backup is for RoonBackups and other Backups
  • Music stores my music file, however it’s unavailble

SSH to QNAP, you could see they have same permission:

And in Backup folder, only RoonBackups is available:

Anyway, it’s a step to final success, thanks for your effort! Looking forward to your reply.

Roon server on QNAP: build 850

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Changed everyone from “read ony” to “read/write” - no effect. The same jelly fish logo on a start and nothing happens.

Not what he’s referring to. Have a look at the bottom of the share dialogue in QNAP, Guest access.
Try changing from Deny to Read only

I did all kinds of configurations, including the one that is shown on a screenshot. No effect.

New QTS version is out, I updated and everything still works ok. Kind of a long shot but maybe try updating to this latest version, if it would help?

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Thanks @Yuchen_Li!

We appreciate the information you shared. It is added to our report for the QA team. I’m sure it will help us understand better the issue and come up with solutions :nerd_face:

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@patouskii Thank you for bringing to our attention the new QTS update.

@beka I went ahead an updated. This did not resolve the issue I’m experiencing that @Yuchen_Li mentions above.

Therefore I removed roon. Restarted the QNAP. Installed a fresh roon b850, and now the original roon hanging issues is back.

Hey @Don_Ashley,

We’re grateful you kept us in the loop :pray: I passed that along to out QA team and we have a few more questions:

Are you seeing the Roon logo loading / spinning endlessly?
If so, when does this happen (e.g. after trying to log in, or when trying to connect?
Do you see the login screen?
Could you please send us a screenshot?

P.S. Thanks for bearing with us and helping us along the way :nerd_face:

@beka You are welcome.
Yes the logo spinning endlessly when trying to connect.
I only received the login screen the first time. I can no longer get the screen with a message that stated I was already logged in.

The attached image is the current state when launching roon.

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