In the last few days albums from Qobuz are being added to my library. I deleted them all and they came back. I went to my account on the Qobuz website and changed my password. I let Roon scan everything and all the albums came back. I deleted them again and 2 of them will not delete or rather "Remove from Library" Also when I look at "My Favorites" on the Qobuz website it does not show the albums that keep being added in Roon.
This is the list of Faves on Qobuz above shows two recently added liked albums. That I did not like. I have restarted Nucleus and a bunch of albums added upon restart. None of which I added. Again I have changed my password and they do not show up on the Qobuz website,
You sure you have not favourite any playlists or individual tracks. As these will show up under each section in Qobuz but under albums in Roon with only the tracks added showing.
But as @Martin_Webster mentions there is sometimes a bug with Roon adding them. I would double check all sections of Qobuz app and ensure you delete them from it. Then in Roon force a resume of Qobuz from the services menu in settings. Check they are not in Roon anymore. If they are then re identify them via the edit menu and attempt to delete them again one by one.
Hi @Michael_Lockwood,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. The users above gave some good suggestions for resolving this. If you still have issues after trying these ideas please let us know and we will continue troubleshooting.
Thanks for reply. I have seen many of your posts and have gained insight into past problems. So thanks for that.
I have not favored a playlist that these songs are featured in. They are classical titles oddly.
They are not favored in Qobuz app or website.
I delete them from Roon but they keep coming back with more each time.
I have created a new password for Qobuz. I have signed in and out on Qobuz website and Roon Services. I have let it repopulate. I have restarted Roon & Roon Core.
I have deleted them and when they come back I tried the reidentify and remove from Library. Still no luck.
This morning I found 132 albums added mostly classical but not all. Crazy!
I have not favored anything in Qobuz since July 12th of this year! I added no new playlists and have no playlists with any of these songs or artists!
Because they are not favored in Qobuz it seems to be a Roon bug of some sort? This just started a few day ago before the update (I believe).
Let’s perform some basic due diligence before we proceed.
If you navigate back through your History, have you played content from any of these albums at any point? What about via Live Radio?
Do you share Roon with any family members or friends? What about Qobuz?
Sign out of your Roon account and reboot the RoonServer machine entirely. Then sign back in. Also sign out of Qobuz in Settings → Services once more and force a sync.
Can you please share an additional screenshot of the Albums page, sorted by Date Added, so we can capture the names of some of these Qobuz objects? We’re investigating this report and should have additional follow-up after the weekend.
So, after trying all suggestions it seems to be solved it has been almost 24 hours and no new random classical albums are being added.
For reference whomever looks at this in the future…
I never had played any of these titles or favored them in the Qobuz app or website. I also never had a live Roon radio feed with Classical music. My account is from the UK. FYI.
I do not share my Qobuz or Roon account with anyone.
I changed my password.
I restarted Roon & Roon Core.
I signed in and out of Qobuz services twice within the Roon App.
I deleted the added albums several times
I checked to see if they were identified. They in fact were.
So one of these things seems to have worked and also it may have taken 24 hours for it to take effect.
Thank you to everyone that responded. They were all great suggestions and yes one of them worked