Qobuz albums not available in Roon

When did you add the album to your library?

It happens that Qobuz removes a version from the catalog and replaces it with a new one, e.g., because of licensing changes. The new one then has a different ID and Roon does not know that the new ID replaces the old ID.

If you added the old version to your Roon library before it was replaced by Qobuz, it stays in your library and is marked “unavailable”. You have to search in Roon again and then you should find the new version.

I can’t find a live version of this album, but the first track of the Remastered version is live. I have these versions in Qobuz and Tidal, and they are all available in Roon for me. You should be able to add this version to your Roon library again:

There seems to be an issue with then removing the old, unavailable album from your Roon library. This was discussed, e.g., in this thread. Note that there is a workaround at the end:

The workaround means to go to the old, unavailable album. Then go to the album’s Edit button > Re-Identify. Roon will try to re-identify it, and then it may be possible to remove it. If this does not work, try Edit > Identify and pick any album (it does not have to be the correct one, any should work). And then try removing it again.

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