Qobuz albums showing wrong format


Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear network gear

Connected Audio Devices

Lindemann Limetree
Linn sneaky s

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

The album information for Qobuz albums seems to show 44k/16 when the tracks are 192/24

Perhaps try Edit → Re-Identify. If that doesn’t work, try removing the album from your library and re-adding it.

Thanks for this. I removed and re added already also searched another 192/24 album in qobuz and just added and it has the same issue. Only seems to be 192/24 albums though.

What about the Re-Identify?

Edit: the problem is that for some albums, Qobuz changed the format, but kept the same id…

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The rescan does seem to fix it. Thanks. However it would be good if Roon could fix this so it is right first time.

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Thanks for confirming Andrew.

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