Qobuz downloaded "fla" files will not play in Roon

I purchased an album from the Qobuz store and when I downloaded it and unzipped it, I noticed that the first track was a “SMR flac” file, but all the subsequent tracks were “SMR fla” files. When I opened Roon, only the first track was there on the album and none of the other tracks. ?

Rename them to FLAC?

I tried your suggestion and renamed all the remaining tracks that were FLA to FLAC. Sure enough when I rebooted Roon, they all showed up, but the first track which was originally named FLAC and was the only one to appear in the first attempt has now disappeared from the Roon display of the album!

I have since purchased another album from Qobuz and it has the same problem with some files named FLA that don’t show up in Roon, but when renamed, the flip occurs here too with the original FLAC files disappearing.

I loaded both albums into the JRiver Media Center 24 and it had no problem with displaying and playing either FLA of FLAC. Why does Qobuz and Roon have a FLA problem?

.fla is a blast from the past as it is used for Adobe Flash animation files. There must be something else going on here. What are you using to download the files? Do Qobuz downloads normally come down as a Zip file (I don’t use Qobuz)?

Interesting that some tracks in the download are FLA and some are FLAC. I don’t understand why FLA is even used when I select FLAC for the download. I just utilize the Qobuz store download service. The download comes as a TAR file which I use WinZip to extract since they claim it handles TAR.

Have you asked Qobuz why they are sending you these files? .FLA isn’t on their list of formats for a start. Are you getting a full set of .FLAC files inside the Zip?

Hi @Jack_McElligott,

FLA is not a supported format. I would recommend reaching out to Qobuz about FLA files being sent instead of FLAC as Tony has suggested above.

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I did finally solve the problem. I downloaded a free TAR dedicated unzipper and used that to extract the files. They were all flac this time. I then went into Roon and checked “show all duplicates”. I deleted all the examples of that album from the hard drive and rebooted Roon. I then transferred the newly unzipped TAR folder into the folder that ROON sources. When I rebooted Roon, all the tracks were correctly displayed. Apparently WinZip either doesn’t work properly with TAR files or I used it incorrectly.

I want to thank everyone for their assistance.

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Solved the problem. See below. Thanks for your help.

Use 7zip much better software and works.

Thanks…will check it out.

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