QOBUZ favorites not fully syncing to ROON My Albums on Mac (ref#9W3OGU)

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Describe the issue

Since early last week, albums I've favorited on QOBUZ haven't been appearing in ROON's MY ALBUMS section. Even after manually syncing multiple times, the synchronization is only partially completed. Rebooting my Mac doesn't change this. Today, I performed a clean install of macOS, reinstalled ROON, and attempted synchronization, but only some of the albums I favorited on QOBUZ were synchronized.

Describe your network setup

MacBook Air (M2)

Albums I favorited on QOBUZ six days ago are appearing in ROON, but albums favorited on subsequent days are not being synchronized.

Hi @rinrinpon ,

Thanks for reaching out. I’ve activated diagnostics load for your account and I am seeing quite a lot of networking errors, in the past we have seen users have a better experience in the past if they change their Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS. Can you please give this a try and let us know if it helps?