Qobuz favourites: please, please, please [...]

hi @dylan

thank you so much for your thorough explanation :slight_smile:


please re-think this approach as, as we are all seeing, Qobuz and Tidal are different in, at least, one key aspect: purchases! (but also in the way favourites work)

please: DON’T!!!

on the contrary: please change this so “Add to Library” is there, for Qobuz Favourites automatically added by Roon, also when browsing my library, not just when browsing “Qobuz section”

This would help (me) to:

  • immediately know which albums were added by Roon, not by me and…
  • in case I wanted any to actually be in my library… I might do it right away instead of having to search for it manually/visually skimming my “Qobuz Favourites section” (as “Search” always brings out the version in my library: the one without “Add to Library” button :roll_eyes: )

also… please: make it so that when I add an album to my library it doesn’t also get added to my favourites (if it wasn’t already there) :no_mouth:
once in my library if I want to mark it as favourite… I’ll use Roon’s “heart” and/or “pick” :wink:

yes, thank you: already seen how the above works. just… you know… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

this is THE issue (here): I don’t want to actually add hundreds of albums to my library then, eventually, remove them: I’d like to go on, as I have been doing for years, only adding stuff I already have evaluated

thinking about it… I might agree having my favourites automatically added IF “date added” was the same I added them in Qobuz, not all of them the day Roon did! :neutral_face:
(“By Date Added” was my preferred sorting order. Now my library as I used to know it is dozens of “pages” away :disappointed_relieved: )

oh, and… Qobuz Playlists: Roon should either add them to local ones and constantly synch them or do not at all (at the moment they are added during first synch then not synched back anymore :neutral_face: )

thank you for listening :wink:

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