Qobuz favourites: please, please, please [...]

Of course Qobuz has a shopping list. It is the chart on top right, same as in Amazon. You accumulate your chart and then go to the counter to pay. You can at any time delete items or add more before you start the payment process. Nothing more needed.

I don’t think I would call them libraries really, the sorting is very basic, no filtering, no genre selection and the search only works on album name (which as we know varies wildly, for example I have various Tchaikovsky Symphonies, some are labeled ‘Tchaikovsky: Symphonies’ some just ‘Symphonies’). If Qobuz had made any efforts to become a serious music collectors tool over the years I have been suggesting library features to them I doubt I would have bothered with Roon, but its great they are talking to each other now and Roon can step in a fill in the gaps :blush:

This argument, sorry discussion, is going to run and run, good luck Roon on taking a consensus and coming up with a solution! :sunglasses:

thank you Geoff: I was already thinking about surrendering :roll_eyes: and actually adding everything to my library then use tags

still… if only, as I wrote, Roon did actually add to library instead of the halfway thing it is doing now…
as, as Brian himself says: “One of the annoying gaps with favorites (and tags, too) is that we don’t support favoriting or tagging out-of-library content. This is a historical detail…I wouldn’t design the product that way today. We’ll probably lift those restrictions at some point. If we supported tags out of library, you’d have a really easy todo list solution.” @brian :wink:

Hi All

I understand, but in the same way we can access “Qobuz” in “Panorama”, would it be possible to create an “Personal Library” access without Qobuz ? (knowing that “Album” in “Library” section is always with Qobuz favourite).
I do that by using focus Inspector, but this is heavy and not stable when i change focus.

Thank you

Some favorites selected in Qobuz are not showing up in Roon, I did a sync but still not in Roon. Why, what’s wrong ?