QOBUZ feedback thread

Go to our shop if you want to buy content. https://www.qobuz.com
And you don’t need a stream plan to buy content. Only a Qobuz account is mandatory.

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What do you mean by secure ? Is is a good business and we want to continue: YES


Qobuz is expanding BUT slowly , they found Australia , I am not sure about New Zealand. They do USA I would have thought Canada shouldn’t be too big a stretch.

No doubt its based on how many potential customers are in a country (how do you tell that , Roon user data?)

Africa unfortunately for me has no doubt no potential . Should for any reason Tidal fold I would be forced (against my will) to Apple with a consequent lack of integration with Roon. Apples App is dire as far as I see. I see the drawing board looming !!

Perhaps @David_Craff can comments on Qobuz’s expansion philosophy ?

The New York Trio used to have about 10 albums or so available to stream on Qobuz but then they suddenly disappeared and that’s why I thought that I might still be able to purchase them from Qobuz. I see that that’s not even possible anymore.

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Hi @David_Craff - wondering what is the artist/label payment model for Qobuz - have searched a few times and can’t find a summary. And Qobuz doesn’t seem to turn up one those discussions when artists talk about what sort of streaming royalties they get from services.

There seems to be a few models out there from Spotify’s “divide up the total income pool based on your streams” to more user centric models (where Tidal and Soundcloud are going?). I found this post a useful intro into UCPS

Anyway - basically I would love to be able to recommend Qobuz to friends as “pays better than Spotify etc” service. Also I would accept that until you achieve a certain scale that is quite hard to do …but would be interesting to know your thoughts/perspective.

Love Qobuz btw - pretty much flawless service for the last few years

Sorry, I’m not the right person to answer that question.

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The price is defined by the supplier, not by Qobuz. So this one doesn’t depend on the audio file, downsampled or not.

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Qobuz don’t want MQA and will not. Agree there is an issue with the label 2L.


Best news I’ve heard today! Thanks, David.

Agree, I dearly miss Above&Beyond’s album and albums from the Anjunabeats label etc.

I am a fan of Qobuz. It’s great that there is at least one company out there offering unmolested high resolution streams.

The only suggestion I would like to offer is the introduction of 2FA on user accounts. I will always make this suggestion to any service where it is not currently implemented.


Any chance of Apple HomePod and/or Alexa integration?

I have Apple Music account for my son to use with HomePod mini and would rather just get multi account on Qobuz if they add support than switch to Apple Music family plan.


Don’t have the HomePods but would imagine you can stream Qobuz to them via AirPlay?

Yes, can do that but looking for voice integration. He likes to ask it to play music. Deezer has integration, so would think Qobuz integration would be possible. But yes, HomePod works nicely as a roon endpoint. Even has the icon.


Oh, ok. Should have thought that’s what you were after :slight_smile:

I love Qobuz. But about 1/3 of the recordings go above 0 dB and are hence clipped. What good is high resolution if there is distortion?

That’s a pretty strong claim and I’m pretty sure more people would have noticed. What does your playback chain look like?

See Lossless streaming services (revisited) | Jim Rome's Interactive Site
I am on a Mac, and I just funnel the Qobuz Mac app into Audacity to see it.

Well, that’s a single example with the words “many others”, that’s not evidence of 1/3 of tracks distorted though. Don’t get me wrong, the example’s interesting but this quote

Spoiler alert! Qobuz is still the best streaming service, especially for classical music.

suggests it’s not a huge problem for the tester. 33% of tracks distorted doesn’t sound like the makings of the best service. I’m not saying there’s no problem, I’m just not convinced as to the scale.

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@David_Craff Is Qobuz ever likely to have the same level of releases appearing on the platform as other services? Spotify, Deezer, Tidal and Apple Music seem to virtually mirror each other but a lot is missing from Qobuz, releases I just expect to see there and then it turns out they are not. This especially seems to affect independent labels, so I’m guessing some distribution platforms don’t, or didn’t, distribute to Qobuz as I know that all platforms are sent new releases essentially at the same time now.

Take the artist Tamaryn, for example. Qobuz only offers two of her four albums, missing the oldest and the most recent. Other platforms offer all four of them.

It’s this lack of releases compared to other platforms that’s ultimately meant I’ve never been able to turn a Qobuz trial in to a subscription.

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