Qobuz hasn't worked since February

I’m trying anything.

For instance, though everything has been repeatedly restarted, I just did it again. It’s taken over 20 now minutes now to Roon going again. It played a few seconds of music, disconnected and now tells me “something’s not right”.

Yes too all of the above except syncing. Have no idea what you are asking.

Yesterday when I was trying to log in, my Mac kept trying to force me to use an Apple generated extremely complex password. It took a bit to overcome it.

The accumulating information does point to an issue in your network and or on the NUC.

Are you running ROCK on the NUC?
How much RAM does the NUC have and what generation is it? An i3 NUC is quite weak for a 250,000 track library. Roon recommends an i7 and 8 GB at least (better 16 or more, and more CPU) at this library size.

I don’t understand this at all. Generally, screenshots of what you are seeing would be helpful


The issue is: though I’m logged in, Qobuz is USELESS. I see a record, bur it won’t play, I check my account as I’m instructed.

When I bought it (from a friend) my library was much smaller.

I have Roon 2.0 (build 1148).

And maybe you kept adding and it has hit its performance ceiling. It’s possible. Info about NUC generation and RAM would help. And what does the ROCK admin page say about database size and hard disk usage?

Good, this is fine :+1:

I need to know more in order to find what you mean. It’s an 8GB NUC. Have no idea what the generation is.

Do you have a local file library and does Roon work OK with local files?

Yes, local files play fine.

Ok that’s a good thing

In other words, I have no idea how to find this page. As far as I know, it doesn’t exist.

Open your internet browser and try entering http://rock/
This should work if your router provides local network name resolution (i.e., allows using device names instead of IP addresses on the local network). If your browser can’t find it, you would have to find out the IP address of your NUC and replace “rock” with the IP adress

As predicted, It can’t find it. I know there are multiple devices connected, but…

If you go to the administration website of your router, it should be able to list the devices that are connected to your network. Either the network name and the IP address, and in any case the IP address alone. In the latter case it may the difficult to see which is which. Write them down, turn off the NUC, refresh the router page, then compare. One should be gone and this should be the NUC. Turn the NUC on again. Enter http://the_ip_address_that_you_found/ in the browser

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Just to jump in before we get a reply from support.

There where changes but I don’t remember exactly when which caused both free Qobuz and Tidal accounts to not work via Roon.

I don’t remember all the details but maybe Roon is seeing this as a free account and stopped working?
Let’s wait see what @support has to say.

What does it show for Qobuz streaming quality in settings:services?

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I did say try a regular trial.

Thank you @AceRimmer, I am going to standby until this is clarified