Qobuz integration in Roon?

Was able to register an account from here in NY, entered the code, worked great, three months of hi-res streaming, fine…

Downloaded the Windows desktop app, signed in, and I can’t seem to do much of anything. It’s as if the entire interface is frozen. It’s taking forever for mouse clicks to register; no clue what’s going on.

I’ve got a core i5 from 2015 with an Nvidia 860m graphics chip, running windows 10 pro.
Any help appreciated.

The Windows app is gash. It was fine until they recently updated it to the new look. I have given up using it s it freezes, gives constant error messages anfd streaming via it is very unreliable.

Oh, I see. Thank you @CrystalGipsy. I realize I’m using it a tad early here in the US, so it may be a bit unfair, but, this has been a pretty inauspicious first impression. The lack of organization is dreadful, as well, IMO.

I’m in UK and Qobuz has been here for years so no idea why the app is so bad. But your right not a good start. I’ve been using other upnp software to try and use it but they are also a bit rubbish as you cant get access easily to all it offers or no gapless.

I’m giving up and just sticking to the cheaper downloads as Qobuz streaming is just not easy to work nicely with any of my kit and their apps are just plain awful. Cant see them making much ground in the US with this shoddy show. They know how to make it hard to listen to their service. What I have learned from this endeavor is how shit upnp protocol is, how bad Chromecast can be implemented and how much I love Roon as it just works.

Never had a problem with their apps, and the comments you’re making here bear no resemblance to my experience.

Beside, what we’re talking about here is integration with Roon, not standalone apps, so not sure what their apps’ deficiencies (if any) have to do with it.

I’ve been a Qobuz customer for several years, and would take them in preference to Tidal if I had to choose only one.

YMMV, of course - I respect your comments, just don’t recognize we’re even talking about the same service.

Luxky you! No idea how you using it but using it via upnp from their own app and via 3rd party apps or Chromecast it sucks.i don’t have any devices with it built so this is all I can do except hook up a laptop which I don’t want to do as I bought kit so I don’t have to. I’m also finding the new apps have a lot of error messages popping up or can’t play streams which I never got in the older version.

For me it is absolutely identical. No problem with Qobuz and the Windows- or iOS app. Streaming to chromecast audio works fine, DLNA is beta status and does not really work. And if you have a device where Qobuz is “buit in”, everything works best. For the USA it would be wise to wait for the official start before making a final judgment.

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But Qobuz gives you significant discounts on buying hi-res downloads when you sign up to their “expensive” packages. So if you want to buy files at all, you can pretty easily make up the difference.

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Fully in agreement with @jhwalker, @StereJo, and @danny2. Qobuz works great in Devialet’s Spark software used for their Phantom system. I like to own good hires content, therefore the sublime trier fits my need. The Qobuz app works great on my Iphone/Ipad. Though, I had at some point to uninstall/reinstall it when they came with the new SW. There I lost the offline library I accumulated over long time. But this solved in my case symptoms you @CrystalGipsy are experiencing with the new SW. This is not good for ‘old’ users but can be because of changes in data protocols and Qobuz is not Microsoft or Apple with thousands of programmers, where by the way such incompatibilities also happen and are also not communicated. In conclusion, I have a system that allows reliable streaming with Qubuz what I cannot say from Tidal where I get these error messages every weekend that indicate to me that the Tidal backbone has not enough juice when many users are using the service, at least here in Europe.

Interesting. Maybe this backs up Roon’s position that only full integration, like Tidal, is acceptable.

Tidal is not (yet?) fully integrated in Roon. There is no offline play of Tidal tracks made available in Roon, only online streaming. This would make the experience more reliable, what it is not at the moment with the reception I get. However, I might be totally wrong assuming Tidal allows offline play, never used a Tidal app, only the Tidal integration in Roon. As indicated, I’m a Qobuz user (for online and offline) and subscribe to Tidal only to be able to stream things I do not consider worth to buy and because I like my HAF filters in Roon.

This is basically impossible for Roon as Tidal app itself (on desktop) does not allow offline playback. We have to wait and see if Qobuz allows Roon such flexibility.

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While I’m pretty satisfied with Tidal’s library and Roon integration, Qobuz is attractive since it appears that their hi-Rez tier is lossless rather than suffering the compromises and limitations inherent in lossy MQA.


Some more food for thought: https://www.psaudio.com/pauls-posts/streaming-wars/

Hmm I’m struggling to find music I like that is true hires. The majority of it seems to be 44.1/24 and I can find MQA version on Tidal so can get 96/24. The higher rates all seem to be for classical, jazz and the old staples of rock and albums I already own.

I won’t be using past this trial to me it’s not worth the price of entry and if its not in Roon then not a chance ever as I really don’t like how the app works myself. I can’t seem to find out a simple way to filter for hires content in the style of music I want.

I think Roon integration will make all of that easier to do but the biggest determining factor will be library size and variety. If it doesn’t have what you want, it’s other merits don’t really matter.

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So, it is delayed past RMAF?

Be aware that there is no other confirmation about Qobuz integration from Roon other than:

Nothing announced, nothing delayed.

For now, I would take anything other than a direct statement from Roon with a sizeable tablespoon of salt.

David of Qobuz has said they are working with Roon too. And he loves Roon. So it’s not just Roon saying they are working with Qobuz. Also, this was the flyer Qobuz had at Cedia