Qobuz Integration [Now integrated]

My point is that while Qobuz refuse to allow Roon to use their service, discussions about which service you would like to be provided seem a bit pointless. And more people posting on Qobuz might be more constructive.

True, I also posted on Qobuz, but personally I don’t see Qobuz opening up to the idea of letting roon integrate Qobuz. To even add a probably even more useless comment, I have the feeling that Qobuz is moving more into the selling of downloads and sees streaming as a second priority. 9 out of 10 marketing efforts are geared towards selling downloads and not getting more people on board of their streaming service. Maybe that is why they are not activly pursuing the chance they have with roon. This is purely my own take, so make of it what you like.

Yes its a bit strange when most of the rest of the world seem to have realised that a renewable monthly or yearly income is a more secure remuneration systems than having to sell a new “widget” every day!

Qobuz face bankruptcy:

There is hope:


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Just another vote for QoBuz streaming integration, which seems richer for us classical music lovers than Tidal is.

Once again - please vote on the Qobuz site as they are the ones obstructing this.

I vote for Qobuz integration as well, since the Qobuz catalogue fits much better to my musical preferences than the Tidal catalogue. Qobuz even allows for high res. streaming. Accordingly, Tidal is nicely integrated and fine, but to have Qubuz in addition or as an alternative would be much better.

As others have said above - Qobuz are the unwilling partners here, so best to put the request on their user forum.

I´ve posted my wish also on he Qobuz forum, but it would be fine if ROON would repeat and continue their effort

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Maybe now their future’s secure, they might have a new impetus to get on with these vital tie-ups.

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Hope so. I tried Tidal for a couple of months, but cancelled. The Roon integration was excellent, but the Qobuz catalogue is so much better for Jazz/Classical listeners.

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“Qobuz CEO Yves Riesel also announced via Twitter that the company’s financial woes have been relieved by a takeover deal with Xandrie, which is part of the Thebaud group controlled by its founder, Denis Thebaud, and its holding company, Nabuboto.”

I would also like Qobuz integration because they have an interesting library for jazz and classical.

But the Qobuz 24/96 steaming is just for your purchased files. In this case I can simply add them to my library and have the same. There is no real 24/96 streaming subscription.

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Everyone should post on Qobuz’s forums – we’ve requested what we need to do this integration, but we haven’t made progress in that relationship. Nothing works as well as customer feedback :smile:


Note, there are 2 posts in their forums there, and one says they are in negotiation with us. There is a mistake as they think Roon and Meridian are associated with each other. It is my guess they have spoken to Meridian, as we’ve seen no progress on our end.


As a reference to a previous topic https://community.roonlabs.com/t/qobuz-streaming-integration-would-be-appreciated/
, here is Qobuz customer service reply :" Bonjour,

Toutes nos félicitations pour avoir choisi Qobuz.

Nous sommes en relation avec Roon. Cependant, il y a des contraintes de leur part que Qobuz ne
'a pas décidé d’accepter.
Bien évidemment, rien n’est perdu et maintenant que nous reprenons de la santé, ce dossier pourra certainement évoluer.

En vous remerciant de votre compréhension.