Qobuz no longer gapless

Roon Core Machine

WIN10, i5 2.9Ghz, 12GB RAM
Roon Server

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Unbranded ISP router in bridge mode, Archer AX55, Everything Ethernet, no VPN

Connected Audio Devices

microRendu>USB>Mytek Liberty
Chord 2Go>USB>Hugo2
MacBook Air>USB>SMSL PO100PRO>Optical>Hugo2 and other devices

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

Qobuz no longer plays gapless on any Roon endpoints.
It used to be gapless and I’ve not changed anything.
Suspect build 1169 caused this but not positive.
Using same endpoints with DLNA and Qobuz via mConnect is gapless.
Using Qobuz app on MacBook with USB/Optical to DACs mentioned above is gapless.

1 Like

I’m having the same issue with Qobuz music played through Roon, however, it’s gapless with music stored on my hard drive. I’ve looked at the entire chain and nothing has changed, could it be the last software update?


Already reported in another thread.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Qobuz gapless playback gone [Investigating]