Qobuz no longer works

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Innuos Zenith (enabled as core)

For some reason, Qobuz no longer works! Tidal is fine and so is any music I’ve ripped to my Innuos Zenith. For the past few days, Qobuz simply will not play any music! I’ve tried relogging, adding and removing Qobuz. Nothing is working. Strange thing is, Qobuz works completely fine as it’s own application but when I add it to Roon…

Hello @Ron_Brenay,

Try temporarily switching your “Roon Core” slot to a Mac or PC and seeing if you can stream from Qobuz.

  • Go Roon Settings -> General -> Disconnect on the Mac or PC
  • On the Choose your Core screen, select “Use this Mac/PC”
  • If asked to Unauthorize, you can go ahead and do so. You are limited to one active Roon Core at a time but you are free to switch between them as often as you’d like.
  • During onboarding do not import any local content. You should log in with your Qobuz account.
  • Verify if the same issue is occurring on the Mac / PC

If you’re able to play Qobuz when using the Mac / PC, I recommend reaching out to Innuos as they’d be best positioned to diagnose what’s going on with the Zenith.
