We’ve gotten some reports lately about Qobuz integration issues in Roon.
In taking a close look at affected accounts we’ve recognized a pattern. In many cases, the affected customer has synced their Qobuz account in Roon using their username instead of their email address. Qobuz has recently changed its policy and now requires customers to use their account email when using partner services - such as Roon.
Qobuz mentioned this in a recent subscriber email sent out on June 17th, see screenshot below:
To resync Qobuz in Roon we recommend that you first create a fresh backup
Then go to settings>Services>and log out of Qobuz
Restart your Core
Log back into Qobuz in Roon, using your account email
Wait for any account sync to take place (your Qobuz library may disappear then resync)
If you have any issues with unavailable tracks in Playlists, etc, restore the backup you created before beginning the Qobuz resync
Hey @Nepherte, we’re of the understanding that the policy hasn’t been rolled out to all Qobuz regions as of yet. Qobuz still recommends the use of account email for successful integration with its partner apps.
Qobuz stopped working for me recently. It just kept track not available/skipped in roon. Saw this thread, and even though I was already using my email address for username figured the two must be related. After several reboots/logout and logins it still didn’t work.
Turns out my issue was that Qobuz dropped my plan. So I could log in but did not have privileges to access any music. Resubscribed for $2 less per month and back in business.
Noting here in case anyone else runs into this issue
(Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!)
Very good point @Rob_Rodier .
If having Qobuz or Tidal login issues you should always check what it says for streaming plan under settings: service just in case…