To answer you first question, I have not used the Playlist Improver, as I do not trust it to do what it says. For example, if I select a Qobuz playlist in Roon that I know for a fact has a couple of dozen unavailable tracks in it, you’re lucky if Playlist Improver detects one or two of these, so it doesn’t seem fit for purpose. Also, there have been number of critical posts on the forum about it, so I think i’ll wait until you’ve gotten over the teething problems before I try and use it.
To answer the second question, I tend to listen to playlists rather than albums, so I often have up to 2000 tracks in a Qobuz playlist (their limit for the number of tracks in a playlist). If I add all of the tracks in these playlists to the library (I currently have 262 Qobuz playlists that I have curated), then the 'Favourites>Tracks list in Qobuz would be never ending.
To be honest, one of the main ways I use Add To Library is to quickly identify tracks that are duplicated in two large playlists, eg Qobuz Playlist A has 2000 tracks, and so does Qobuz Playlist B. I want to know if there are some tracks in Playlist A that are also in Playlist B. In Roon, I create a new playlist, and import all 4000 tracks (within the Roon limit for playlists), then in settings I select ‘Only show duplicates’. Once the duplicates are identified then with these tracks I would then ‘Add to Library’, which would then place a heart symbol next to the tracks in Qobuz. I would then select which of the Qobuz playlists I wanted to remove the duplicates from on the Qobuz desktop app, because they are visually now easy to identify with the heart symbol. Once I have removed them from the playlist, I would then remove them from Favourites>Tracks, so I can repeat the process with other playlists.
Unfortunately Roon does not do what it says it will do with unavailable tracks, ie it routinely does not identify them by having the red ‘Unavailable’ tag above them when viewed in a Roon playlist. For this reason I also use Qobuz to identify unavailable tracks in their playlists - which are always greyed out - and then adding these to favourites in Qobuz. That will then fill up Favourites>Tracks with unavailable songs, so I can easily relocate them to a playlist such as Rock Unavailable or Disco Unavailable, and I can see all of the unavailable tracks at a glance. I would then clear Favourites>Tracks and repeat the process with another Qobuz playlist. I know that Playlist Improver is supposed to do all the heavy lifting for me in this regard, but as I said, I am afraid that after my recent experience of having a Qobuz playlist emptied because I added tracks to it from Roon from a playlist created in Roon, I am VERY wary of using a function in Roon to try and control playlists that were generated in Qobuz. You will have to give me some reassurance before I will use Playlist Improver, or use Roon in any way to manage playlists created in Qobuz. Once bitten, twice shy.
I note with some disappointment that the key question from my first post has not been addressed, ie
‘I don’t really understand why a function of the Roon app I had been happily been using seems to have gone so badly wrong, and why a much-loved playlist in Qobuz seems to have become paralysed’.
Could you please address this question, because to be blunt, if I can’t trust Roon not to repeat this scenario in future, then I’ll probably stop using it for anything other than music playback.
You mentioned diagnostics being carried out to try and find out what happened to my playlist, but you have said nothing more, which is also disappointing. I would very much like you to try and put my mind at rest, because I have yet to hear a proper explanation about what has happened, and from my discussions with Qobuz customer services, they certainly seem to think that Roon was culpable for the problem I experienced.
I look forward to hearing from you, and it would be good if I didn’t have to wait four days for a response.
Best regards