Qobuz problem with Roon

Core Machine

A few days ago integrated Qobuz in Roon but didn’t see a search possibility on Bandname Artists for Qobuz etc.Only the latest albums appear on the screen.

Network Details


Audio Devices


Library Size


Description of Issue


Have you tried logging out of your account?
(From Roon-Setting-Services-Qobuz)
Then log in again, of course!

Many thanks Mikael! Everything works now.

After closing Roon the same problem occurred.Very frustrating.Logging out again then log in.But it failed again!

Hi @F.R_van_Nuil

Can you elaborate on what you’re hoping to do a bit? If you search for an artist in Roon is it not coming up? Can you share a screenshot?

No it only finds the local files on my internal storage of my Bryston bdp 3 player.Can’t

search in the Qobuz cataloque

Can you share a screenshot of an example search where you’re not getting results from Qobuz? Please also make sure to provide the rest of the information in our support template:

  • Core machine details
  • Network details (your router model, modem, how things are connected)
  • Library size