Qobuz slowing or not playing at all (ref#EDO85P)

What’s happening?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

How can we help?

· I am experiencing freezes or crashes

Other options

· Other

Describe the issue

Qobuz is loading slow or not playing at all

Describe your network setup

AirPort Extreme, hardwired to both iMac (server) and Roon endpoints

Since a few weeks Qobuz loads slowly. This affects:

  • playback, it sometimes takes minutes before a song starts, or it doesn’t load at all
  • Qobuz playlist do not show up, or won’t play
  • The Qobuz page does not show
  • When Roon Radio plays sometimes there is a lot of loading time between songs from Qobuz (pause)

Hey @Percival,

Thanks for writing in and sorry to hear about your slow-loading issues with Qobuz! If possible, could you please use the directions found here and send over a set of Roon Server logs to our File Uploader?

With that, you may find that testing out a different DNS server may help as well, we have seen users have a better experience in the past if they change their Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS. Can you please give this a try and let me know if it helps?

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :pray:

I’ve uploaded the logs. Changing DNS seems to make a difference. I’ll keep using it the next couple days and dive deeper int this option.

Hi @Percival,
We’re glad you have seen improved performance after trying a different DNS. Let us know if the slowness returns and we can launch a deeper investigation!

Unfortunately the problem is back. Trying to play a Qobuz playlist right now, DNS set to And still hiccups and long silences between tracks