Qobuz streaming stopped working

Roon Core Machine

iPad Pro for the remote.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Qobuz streaming doesn’t work. Tidal is ok and so is streaming local files. The Qobuz app works just fine.

Lookup functions on Qobuz and Roon works fine, but starting a track never starts playing. No moving loading symbol, just a square. It makes no difference to chose another audio endpoint.

No guarantees but it’s worth a try…logout of Qobuz, close Roon, reboot core, restart Roon, login to Qobuz….it worked for me a few weeks ago.

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Hi @Gerrit, I agree with Paul, definitely worth a try!

If you’re still seeing issues, can you try going to Settings > Services and lower Qobuz streaming quality to the lowest setting? Any change after doing that?

Hi @Paul & @Dylan, Worked like a charm. Funny, I did part of what you suggested but no luck. Your recipe is gold.

Many thanks,
