Qobuz track slow to start to play in latest release

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Version 1.7 (build 667) stable

Running 5 days, 17 hours, 38 minutes, 47 seconds.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Wired and Wireless - same problem on each

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Seems to be on all devices

Description Of Issue
When a track or album is played, there is a significant pause before playback starts - 15-20 seconds seems to be the median pause.

When the same track is played via Qobuz desktop app (MacBook Pro) then start is as expected in around 2-3 seconds.

I have restarted Roon and also logged out and back into Qobuz in Roon.

Hi @Graham_Bird,

Does this same behavior occur with albums with different sample rates from Qobuz?
Can you try to output to your Core’s System Output zone and verify if that has the same issue?

Core is a ROCK (Intel NUC) with no output.

Oddly it seems to be most prevalent with tracks that are 44.1. I tried a number and they all had the hesitation, whilst several tracks at high (96 and 192) start immediately.


Hi @Graham_Bird,

That is very strange, what happens if you try to apply DSP to up-sample lower quality tracks, do they then start quicker?

Can you try to play to your Macbook Pro System Output zone (the internal speakers) and verify if the same issue occurs there?

This seems to have resolved itself. I have made no changes, but the exact same tracks in a playlist are started as expected.

I have no explanation for why…

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Hi @Graham_Bird,

Thanks for letting us know that the issue resolved itself! It is possible that there was an intermittent networking issue. If you need any assistance in the future, please let us know!

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