Qobuz tracks missing in roon only

If find an album in roon (qobuz). Quite often when i try to play it it says each of the tracks aren’t available. If I then open bluos and search for the same album it finds it and plays it fine.

Are you able to give some example albums/tracks

A screenshot of what you see in Roon may hint to a cause

Some albums/tracks aren’t available on Qobuz unless they are purchased, sometimes.

Looks like it’s a sync issue. The other version displayed played fine. Roon not syncing changes in qobuz properly (or not trying other versions when the default fails). I think this sort of thing shouldn’t really need manual intervention.

But at least there is a workaround for now.

No, it’s not really a sync issue - it’s because Qobuz have swapped versions of the album without telling Roon that there is a newer version (which will have a different product ID). See

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So how do we flag this so Roon will fix it. I can name a few ablums that have been this way for a while. Steel Dan Aja is one.

It’s not really a question of Roon “fixing it”, as Roon knows about both versions. It’s just that you still have the old, now unavailable, version in your library - and you need to take action to replace it with the new version.

There are several Feature Suggestions topics about this - I suggest that you Vote for one.

Search results for ‘qobuz version unavailable #feedback:feature-suggestions’ - Roon Labs Community

Here’s a new release that plays in the Qobuz app and on my Yamaha receiver with Music Cast. It’s showing as “Unavailable” in roon. I’ve added it to my Qobuz favorites, but it’s not showing up in roon. I have to search for “Saito Kinen Orchestra” and it turns up in that search but is unplayable.

Works for me in ARC but I can’t check in regular Roon at home right now. Note that you set the album to „banned“, probably inadvertently

I guess that you may have added a previous version of the album to your library, which is now unavailable. Check if there is now a new version in Roon that you can add instead

That was just me trying to make it work in Roon. Now it’s a lovely heart. Still doesn’t work.

And while it shows up in ARC it also shows as “Unavailable” there, too.

Ah, I think I made a mistake earlier on ARC, sorry. I am back home and see now that Roon finds 2 versions of this, but they are both Tidal:

Roon currently does not find it on Qobuz at all. So that’s probably why it shows as unavailable for you, because you probably added it to your library before it disappeared.

I do have the Saito Kinen version in the Qobuz app as well, so it seems to be some kind of error that it does not work in Roon. If I go to the Qobuz app and favorite it there, then it is synced into Roon but it is still “unavailable”. I guess this should be posted in Support or Metadata so that someone fixes it.

In the meantime, I can find the Qobuz version with the Berliner Philharmoniker though, maybe this can tide you over:

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