Qobuz tracks will not play

Roon Core Machine

Sonic Transport i5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

ethernet connection to all devices, 100+ Mbps.

Connected Audio Devices

UltraRendu usb to psa gain cell DAC

Library Size

10000+ tracks

Description of Issue

Qobuz stopped playing. Track displays in queue, but progress bar below “play/pause” button just
sweeps back and forth. META data is available, albums and tracks remain in library/play lists.
Core, modem, player and remote rebooted numerous times. Signed out and back in to ROON and Qobuz several times. Tidal, FLAC files and ROON live radio all work normal.

Hello @Truman_Wilson,

Thanks so much for letting us know of this and for your patience while we had a chance to get back to you.

I was wondering if (in the case this is still happening) you could change your Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS.

Please, let us know if this helps :pray:

At last. I must say up front, I’m very disappointed that it took almost a week to reply to my request for support. I also reached out to Qobuz since that seemed to be the only element effected. They responded in hours.
I was able to get my system working several days ago. After numerous reboots of various components,
I finally decided to power down everything at the same time. Modem/router, core, renderer, switches, logged out of and removed apps for ROON and Qobuz from remotes. After bringing everything back online, it worked. Unfortunately, this shotgun method didn’t pinpoint where the glitch existed.
I have already started looking into upgrading my ISP provided hardware which I think will incorporate your recommendations.
Finally, I must emphasize my disappointment in the lack of timely collaborative communication with ROON. I enjoy ROON, and was close to upgrading to lifetime subscription. However, I’m now directing my efforts and money towards changing my set up to be less dependent on ROON. I’m staying with ROON for now, it suits my style. Looking forward to a better experience the next time I need support.