Qobuz will not work

I have a Nucleus +, a Bryston streamer, and Xfinity Wi-Fi. When I play something from Qobuz my system freezes. Tidal plays without an issue. When I sign and out of Qobuz I was getting a spinning ball now it should be working but isn’t.

@Steve_Child, please complete the information requested in this post. Thanks.

OP has opened a second thread about the same problem. @moderators may want to integrate this into one support thread.

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This has not been solved. Qobuz will not play. Roon radio will not work because it thinks I have Qobuz

Please keep to just the one thread for the subject at hand.
More threads will only dilute the quality and quantity of the responses and support can visit your issue in just the one thread.
Thank you for your patience and understanding