I’ve recently considered getting Roon since I started using Qobuz.
My question, can Roon play the songs that are stored locally on Qobuz or can it only stream songs from Qobuz?
I have seen that it is possible to download music from your own personal library to your phone with Roon Arc. I don’t want to eat all my mobile data, so I wondered if Roon Arc takes into account whether, when a song from Qobuz is played, if it is in your local Qobuz library or not.
No big deal if not, but It makes Roon Arc way less attractive in my opinion if I still need to use the Qobuz app to listen to music on the go.
I know Roon Arc can’t download songs from Qobuz or Tidal. I just wonder if there still was a way to integrate the songs locally stored from these streaming services into Roon.
Roon Arc would still be useful for me when I want play songs from my own collection on the go.
You cannot download material from Qobuz for offline playback in Roon or any other 3rd party applications due to the strict licensing agreements with them and the labels.
Roons modus operandi is its location agnostic. If you add albums or tracks from Qobuz as your favourites they will become part of your Roon library like any locally stored music they are part of one integrated library. You can modify metadata apply all Roon advandced sorting and tagging to them. They are always streamed from Qobuz so you need active internet to play them via Roon or via Arc when on the go. It doesn’t matter if you add them to your library or not they playback the same via Qobuz.
I’ve moved your question from the #support category of the forum to the #roon:qobuz category since it’s more a “can I do this?” question rather than a technical support issue. Thanks for your understanding.
Even if you add a Qobuz album into your library, it will still be streamed from the Qobuz servers when played via Roon to an endpoint or to Roon ARC.
Only if you purchase albums or tracks from Qobuz and download them into your local storage can these then be also downloaded into Roon ARC on your smartphone
I download my purchased FLAC music files from Qobuz, add it tho the ROON-controlled folders on my MAC as core and then optionally I download it in Roon ARC on my phone (see “Downloads” within the “My library” section). So I can use this albums in the offline mode to save mobile data. Because I have unlimited mobile data I only do so for the situation when I don’t have connection to internet.