Question about using Nucleus with Aesthetix Pandora DAC (ref#4RVX56)

Affected Product


Nucleus Model

Nucleus Rev B

Description of Issue

Setup Question: I am migrating my Core to Nucleus from a Mac. My current setup uses a headless NUC Roon Bridge to connect to my Aesthetix Pandora DAC. My dealer set this up for me and i can’t remember why i needed the bridge–perhaps b/c my DAC is not a “Roon-ready” Dac? Do i still need the Bridge when i set up Nucleus as my Core or can i directly connect one of Nucleus USB outputs to the USB input of the Pandora DAC?

RAM & Internal Storage


Connected Audio Devices

Aesthetix Pandora Dac

Home Network Details

Arris Router–Nucleus will be ethernet connected

I would say try it with a direct connect and see. It will either work or not. If not, put the RoonBridge NUC back in line.

What OS was on your NUC running RoonBridge? Also, how old is that device?


I was going to try it just to see anyway
Bridge OS is Linux and Bridge will not update–keeps trying and failing (version 1.7 build 571) but it’s been working all along w/ some occasional quirkiness that i’m blaming on my Mac–hoping Nucleus will get rid of that. I’m not computer competent enough to try to update the Linux OS I just can’t remember why the dealer set up Bridge and he’s long gone…if it’s because the DAC is not a Roon Ready device then i assume it won’t work with Nucleus either and i’ll have to continue using the Bridge

A usb dac isn’t Roon Ready, only Roon Tested and even then they will work without being this as long as the DAC is fullly USB audio 2 compliant, some DSD features may or may not work on Linux…If it worked with the bridge it will work with the Nucleus. Sounds like you need to manually reinstall the bridge on the NUC as it’s very out of date may be the reason it’s not auto updating.

Well, i would have to get help with reinstalling Bridge on the NUC if i still need it but it has never updated since date of installation. My DAC is fully USB audio 2 compliant although if i’m not mistaken it will not run DSD files. I’m really just trying to find out if i can get rid of the NUC and connect Nucleus directly to the DAC–ie is there something different about Nucleus that would allow this where i had to use Roon Bridge previously with my Mac/Pc cores.

You should be able to it from Roon go to the menu choose Settings/about it will show all Roon related devices on your network. It should show it needs an update click on that text to uodate it should go ahead and update.

If not then you need to find out what it is running as a Linux os and manually install Roon bridge instruction for Linux are on Roons Knowledgebase.

Yes, i have tried many times to get the Bridge to update but it consistently says “There was an error checking for an update”. I’m not literate with Linux but maybe i don’t need to be? I’ve looked at the Bridge instructions on Roon’s database but ultimately decided that if things were running ok why mess with it and most likely screw things up? The only issue i’ve found is occasional handshake issues between Roon Bridge and Core but rebooting the Nuc usually solves that. Would be nice if direct connect to Nucleus from Dac is possible and i don’t need the Bridge–will find out soon

Hi @Mark_Smith,

We wanted to check in as some time has passed. Are you encountering any difficulties with the current setup? If so, please elaborate on your current network topology and endpoint configuration.

thanks for checking, Connor–in order to install the Nucleus into my system rack i had to take apart the whole thing–i am literally about an hour away from installing the Nucleus – i plan to bypass the Intel NUC bridge and go directly from Nucleus to the Pandora DAC so we will see what ensues. I will report back–thanks again

Hi Connor–i have installed the Nucleus and made it the core and everything is working just fine, regardless of whether i go through the Intel NUC bridge (that can’t update itself) or connect directly via USB from Nucleus to Pandora DAC–i honestly can’t tell the difference in sound so will default to the direct connection. Thanks for your assistance