Radio stops and drop outs here in Africa I usually blame on internet connectivity but I’m not 100% sure - I keep getting a stop, all zones lost, and then after around 5-10 seconds all the zones come back. Worse on Sundays (for my lazy Sunday mornings) but never closed out if internet or something else…
I am also having unexpected disconnects with live radio for the last 2 weeks, sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after 25 minutes. Then I push play again and the same behaviour occurs.
Streaming within Roon from Tidal and Qobuz is going smooth, no disconnects.
Cheers John.
Hello @cmr600 and @JTD , I’ve moved your posts out of the other thread as I’ve made that a specific support issue for that user.
Are either of you still having trouble? Do we need to make your issues a support thread too?
2 posts were split to a new topic: Internet radio dropping out