Random album cover art not displaying (ref#P65STC)

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Ramdom album cover art not displaying

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Roon server and client on Windows 11. However cover art missing in ios apps. I can't detect a pattern as to which cover art is missing. Some albums are imported from disc, some are downloaded with artwork, some without, all are local on my hard drive. The missing covert displays as gray squares.
Sometimes I can catch glimpses of the missing covers when I scroll - which is probably a telling detail. But only for a few of the missing albums

I’ve tried changing the cover art preference from “best” to “file,” which made it worse. Then went back and changed preference to “best.” Which returned me to the same amount of missing cover art as before.

Hi @Evan_Katz,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. From your description it seems like the connection from your server to you iOS device is being disrupted. For due diligence can you please restart both the Roon server and the Roon app on your iOS device. Let us know if the album art returns after that.

Hi there. I have stopped and restarted server. Also rebooted computer. No fix. iOS app is the least of it. Thr covert art is missing on the windows computer that is also the server. Someone else is having the same issue on the forum. What should I do next.

SOLVED: I checked Malware Bytes, which has quietly quarantined one of the Roon server files. Once released from Quarantine, the album covers returned. Here is the Malware Byte report, in case that’s helpful:
-Log Details-
Protection Event Date: 1/25/2025
Protection Event Time: 2:59 PM
Log File: 12336a22-db70-11ef-926f-3c7c3f81706c.json

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.5116
Update Package Version: 1.0.94976
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 11 (Build 22635.4805)
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: System

-Blocked Malware Details-
File: 1
Malware.AI.1928724575, C:\Users\evan\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Application\200001496\imagescaler.DLL, Quarantined, 1000000, 0, 1.0.94976, 52DAD64826E15A6872F6005F, dds, 03192253, F0F4FC66CF774635D02EF62E889F7C2F, F1067CF666792FB3EAE4429783D0C783F170BBB6429DACB26AF0E291FB2AA4B8

Hi @Evan_Katz,
We’re glad you were able to figure what was going on. Thanks for the report about Malware Bytes!

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