Random sound freezes using Windows 10

Hey guys, so i am using a very good laptop (i7, SSD, etc) to run Roon Core, but there is something wrong since my playback some times just stops, and when it does i can’t even skip tracks, the UI actually updates the track as i skip, but songs never start playing.

When that happens i immediately go check my internet connection on speedtest and it is always rock solid, so i doubt it is network related. Also i have this laptop connected via cable, not wireless.

I could use some help figuring this out…

I don’t understand what you mean… The laptop is connected directed into the fiber internet’s modem. There is nothing “in the house”. Also every time this happens i check the internet and it is stable and fast.

Can you say more about your setup?

  • is your laptop equipped with an ethernet port, or are you using a USB/ethernet connector?
  • what Zones are you playing to; the laptop speakers, or other Zones, and how are they connected?
  • is the issue occurring with local files, streamed tracks or both?


It uses a built in ethernet port;
I am playing thru a Pi2AES streamer;
I dont have local files, so always streaming.

Oh, and the Pi2AES is also connected via ethernet cable directly i to the modem.

As a test, can you set up a Zone using your laptop speakers, and play to that to see if the same freezing occurs?

What RaspberryPi and which OS?
How’s that set up?

Does your modem have WiFi capability and is it enabled?
If so, do you by any chance have any of your involved devices with both Ethernet and WiFi enabled in parallel?
If so, disable WiFi, test and report back.

Ok i will try

So, i have two Roon endpoints, one is wired in my main setup and the other is wifi in the bedroom. For that reason i have to leave my laptop which is running Roon Core both connected to ethernet cable and wifi, so it will be able to see both endpoints.

Could this be an issue? I am actually purchasing an Intel NUC i3 so i can move my Roon Core into that with ROCK, but i will still need to have the Roon Core on both ethernet and wifi there.

From what I have to guess from your fractured answers, it seems your modem/router has WiFi enabled and functions as your home network DHCP server for both wired and wireless devices.

If that’s the case, and I can’t actually believe it’s somehow otherwise, your wired and wireless devices don’t have to communicate directly with one another.
They do so over your modem/router, which means you don’t need wireless configured for the core.

It’s very likely your issue!

No, that’s not needed as I explained above.

Roon’s own nucleus doesn’t even have WiFi capability, yet talks to wireless endpoints over the home network modem/router!

Long story short, turn off wireless on your core and all will be good!

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Thanks for the info, but if i turn off wifi in the laptop running Core, i stop seeing the bedroom endpoint immediately.

For more context, i dont use my modem as a wifi router becuase it sucks, i connect my computer and main streamer via cable directly into that fiber modem, and i connect a mash wifi system via cable also into the modem, so my ethernet network is different from my wifi network.

Any ideas to make this work under this circumstances?

Don’t run mesh WiFi myself, but there’s usually a way to set up your mesh to serve network addresses within the same netmask as your modem/router.

You’re making your life harder than it is.
Please read up the mesh device’s documentation or wait for a fellow user to give you instructions if you can’t be bothered.

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Your advice actually lead me to a way to fix this, i have enabled the wifi network for the fibre modem itself which i had disabled so it would not interfere with the Mesh and then i have connected that bedroom streamer directly to the modem via wifi, now all audio devices are connected to the same network either via cable or wifi, and i was able to turn off my laptop’s wifi.

I will use my setup for a couple of days and report back.

Question though, an Intel NUC or a Roon Nucleus changes absolutely nothing on my streaming experience as long as this fixes this problem?

No, it shouldn‘t.

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Oh man, that was not it, the problem just happened again. Nothing works, no artirst load, the song that was playing is gone, this is what i see:

Get your mesh node setup properly after reading its documentation, then disable router WiFi again and maybe that removes some WiFi competition in your setup, leading to a more stable network situation…

Wifi is 100% disabled on both the laptop running Core as well as in the streamer in my main chain though…

Can you get IP addresses of your core as well as of the endpoints when the problem is present?

How can i do that? I can try next time.

I know for a fact that the ropieee endpoint is accessible because i accessed its via IP UI during the outage to try and change some random setting.

If your laptop is running Windows, then

ipconfig /all

from command line will show you more than you ever wanted to know about your available network connections. If the IP works to access RoiPiee’s UI, then that would be the right one.

Would also help to know exactly how your mesh is connected to your modem, in case it is acting as a router itself, getting a (private) address from the inner-facing side of the modem for what it thinks is an internet connection, and assigning another private address (which may look like it is in the same subnet, but really isn’t) to whatever you connect to it…

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I dont even need ipconfig for that, i am able to access my ropieee when Roon stops via IP, no problem, and my Roon Core is running on the laptop itself, so that will be its IP.

As for the Mesh it has its own network (not the same as the modem), but at this point wifi is 100% disabled in all involved devices.