Random tracks added to Roon queue

Roon Core Machine

Windows 11.
i9 10900k, 32GB RAM.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I add a series of albums to my Roon queue and random tracks are duplicated from the list of tracks which I have to keep manually deleting from the end of the queue. Gets a bit frustrating.

This seems to have been logged as a problem before on March 8th but doesn’t seem to have been solved.

Any update on a fix for this?

Can you post some screen pics to show what is happening. Fellow user here.

Hey @Jason_Rowe,

It’s great to see you on community again! As @Rugby mentioned, it would help to get some screenshots of this issue to better assess. With that, are you able to provide a full breakdown of your setup, from your original post? This information is crucial for the support team to have to best get an idea of your full network and roon system.

Do you see this issue happen only on your core machine? Or, does the same thing happen if you control Roon from a remote device?

We’ll be monitoring this thread for your reply :+1:

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