Raspberry Pi SD Card Lifespan

The Raspi is known to eat its memory card where the OS sits. So yo have to be prepared to burn a new card at least every year. And yes, with WiFi only it makes little sense.
Streaming a webradio via Roon sometimes is Trick as it breaks up here and there. Streaming it via the Raspi is more stable.
The Raspi is great for adding another endpoint in another room, but direct connection seems better if possible.

Would you have any reference for that statement, other than your post?
I’ve been running at least one Pi at any time for the last 10 years, all sorts of OS’s and applications, reflashing included, but never lost one single card…(on the other hand, I lost 3 SD cards in my seven years of use of an Samsung S5 on Lineage OS).
I strongly suspect that one must very likely have erroneously configured a swap partition, excessive logging or the like for the SD card to fail as described.


I have no scientific source for that. I went through 3 SD card over 3 years with 6 Raspis. The SD cards, like USB sticks use a different technology from SSD and are more failure prone. It is not recommended to use SD or USB for long term data storage. I haven one Raspi running an OpenHAB db and have implemented that on an attached SSD while booting from the SD, whereas upon boot, the SD is copied into the Ram and the OS runs then from there. This is the safest way.

That’s the usual way to run RPis, unless one tinkers without understanding.
But what’s the reason for exaggerating the factual experience when saying …

… while you actually went through …


The tales of SD card woes would perhaps make more sense if the card brands were known. I’ve known cheap unbranded cards to go west very quickly. SanDisk cards tend to be reliable in my experience…


Because I hardly shut down my Raspis and let them run 24/7. It might have been more SD cards. I might publish details one of these days in Nature.
Having a system like the Raspi where you never know if another power up crashes the boot medium is ok for those that keep images of the cards and a stack of new ones and remember where and how to burn them. That is fine with many, others might have to at least write that down….

Yes, that is accepted by most that reassuring expensive cards are better. Cheap Chinese power supplies seem to be another lead. Gently putting the Raspi to sleep another one (instead of ripping out the power supply cable)

I have had two RPi (1 x 3b and 1 x 4) devices running 24/7 for the last four years and this has literally never happened.

If it is happening regularly for you I’d be very suspicious of your power supplies!

Okay, genuine brand cards usually preferred, as with hard disks, SSD’s - who’s pinching pennies when buying storage media, and define expensive in the Hifi context?!

I actually ungracefully shut down two RPis on a daily basis without resorting to SSH, GPIO’s and what not - literally just cut their mains when shutting down the music system(s) while trying to pretend to be a little concerned with sustainability.
One’s a Ropieee, the other based on Raspbian.
No issues ever, yet.

Ahhh, those myths will never die, I guess…

This is not fact, unless you can provide some evidence. All my Raspberry Pis continue to use the same SD card, and most are on continuously for a few years or more now.

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Me, too. “Alexa turn off study Hi-Fi”. Never an issue.

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I have 4 in use 24/7 two have been running for nearly 4 years on the same sd card the others at least two. I have had one card fail completely before that but that’s been a one off and had pis since they were released. I have 3 old retired 2bs that cards still work

Sorry for having stepped into an Raspi fan group. Sure, all well. My cards were cheap, my powerfully sparking and mice everywhere.

No need to get sarcastic, Joachim!
It has nothing to do with me being a fan-boy, but more with honesty, fairness, truth.
Just cut the prose…

And so I am dishonest?

I’ve moved all posts related to RPi SD card failures from the OP to this thread as these didn’t help the the OP, and we don’t need to scare him off!

Be nice, thanks.


Something for everybody

And here

Powercuts seems to be worse. I got a small UPS for my Raspi PV logger. Real piece of mind as I cut the power to fix things.