Recent Dropouts Make Roon Unusable

Windows 10.0.18362, 16 Gb, i7-3770S, 4 core

Google WiFi mesh network

Chord Mojo with headphones, Chromecast Ultra for main listening areas

Happy user for 10 months until now. Recently the playlists will stop suddenly. Clicking next song does not help. Same playlist works without issue on Tidal. Own both Quobuz and Tidal but use mostly the latter. Thought this was specific to Chromecast Ultra and main system (Anthem receiver, Golden Ear speakers), but now it is happening on the headphone DAC as well.

What logs can I look in? Is this specific to streaming? I don’t have any downloaded music.

Have you rebooted everything including mesh network and router?

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

Is your Core connected via Ethernet or WiFi?

Does this only happen with playlists or does this occur when just playing an album?

If you play to System Output of the Core machine does the same behavior occur?

I am doing some testing today. Right now the Windows PC is wireless but I can hard wire that. I have several Google Mini and Hub devices. I have one of those on now and it does not lock up at all. I can test system output after that.

MY main concern is that the lockups started a few weeks ago with no change in hardware or networking.

I did reboot the PC and the network devices last week including the Chromecast Ultra.

Now connected with Gig Ethernet on fancy PoE switch. Testing with System Output. NO drops on the Nest Hub or the System Output so far.

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

Testing with the Windows PC connected to the primary Google WiFi router would definitely be a good test.

With our testing, what we are hoping to do is narrow down exactly where this is stemming from. Testing with all Ethernet and playing to System Output helps us remove many networking variables. We can further remove networking variables by playing local content to System Output and seeing how that performs. Understanding how things perform in these configurations helps us rule out potential failure points so we can trace the root of this issue.

Well, don’t have any local content. It is stream or die in my household :wink:

We have Verizon FIOS with average 850 Mb up and down so cloud bandwidth is not the issue.

That may be, but, it is good to have a couple around to do testing with. Below is a link for free HD testing samples.

Just ran 4 hours to system output without a single error. I am switching this to Chromecast to see if it fails there.

Ran another 3 hours on Chromecast without error. It looks like the issue may have been wireless network contention with my work laptop. I put the Roon server and the laptop on wired connections and it seems to behave better. I will keep testing throughout the week.

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

I’m glad to hear that that seems to have helped. Let us know how the continued testing goes!

Well, the lockup happened again this morning. The Roon server and the Chromecast endpoint are hard wired. I checked the most recent log Roon and it just stops after a series of successful calls:

10/23 09:12:24 Info: [Family Room TV] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success]
10/23 09:12:24 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/257 sec
10/23 09:12:24 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {“zones_changed”:[{“zone_id”:“1601021224069800d29389e081d0d58da30b”,“display_name”:“Family Room TV”,“outputs”:[{“output_id”:“1701021224069800d29389e081d0d58da30b”,“zone_id”:“1601021224069800d29389e081d0d58da30b”,“can_group_with_output_ids”:[],“display_name”:“Family Room TV”,“volume”:{“type”:“number”,“min”:0,“max”:100,“value”:100,“step”:1,“is_muted”:false,“hard_limit_min”:0,“hard_limit_max”:100,“soft_limit”:100},“source_controls”:[{“control_key”:“1”,“display_name”:“Chromecast Ultra”,“supports_standby”:false,“status”:“indeterminate”}]}],“state”:“playing”,“is_next_allowed”:true,“is_previous_allowed”:true,“is_pause_allowed”:true,“is_play_allowed”:false,“is_seek_allowed”:true,“queue_items_remaining”:39,“queue_time_remaining”:11885,“settings”:{“loop”:“disabled”,“shuffle”:false,“auto_radio”:true},“now_playing”:{“seek_position”:null,“length”:285,“one_line”:{“line1”:“That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown”},“two_line”:{“line1”:“That’s the Way Love Goes”,“line2”:“Norman Brown”},“three_line”:{“line1”:“That’s the Way Love Goes”,“line2”:“Norman Brown”,“line3”:“After The Storm”},“image_key”:“4e58d73e0e90052294a1425dbcbc939078ed042d692b685c5497ac5628be8b4728dce89c57a67c6fd1c4aed54461b38503603f126898cf8ab3b5a41bc6d4cc5bee0341d5cc5481046d3623d6d2c5a39d539288c6b743265e0de69e7bdd7eef4f4694009bc6c0f008a8b4ed3b3d7c6488”,“artist_image_keys”:[“4e58d73e0e90052294a1425dbcbc939078ed042d692b685c5497ac5628be8b4794fab8f5b705d380d5942fd6b87d02d16ad0ea122f2626aab76e04881070b347161b4b5750616b5230c5b2f20bfcb68e68aabd60e27130307b70fc15b7c4c2e0”]}}],“zones_seek_changed”:[{“zone_id”:“1601021224069800d29389e081d0d58da30b”,“queue_time_remaining”:11885,“seek_position”:null}]}
10/23 09:12:24 Trace: [metadatasvc] REQ [1055][]=a80034303336373731
10/23 09:12:24 Trace: [metadatasvc] GOT [1055] (26ms) Sooloos.Msg.Metadata.LyricsData:
10/23 09:12:24 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE LyricsChanged {“zone_id”:“1601021224069800d29389e081d0d58da30b”,“key”:null,“lrc”:null}
10/23 09:12:24 Info:
–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = Lossless
Source Format=Flac 44100/16/2 Quality=Lossless
Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Ultra
DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=Lossless Value=passthrough
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=

10/23 09:12:27 Trace: [streamingmediafile] finished caching
10/23 09:12:27 Trace: [streamingmediafile] finished caching
10/23 09:12:28 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 11 ms, status code: 304
10/23 09:12:28 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] GOT com.roonlabs.image:1/get_image_features {“image_key”:“4e58d73e0e90052294a1425dbcbc939078ed042d692b685c5497ac5628be8b4794fab8f5b705d380d5942fd6b87d02d16ad0ea122f2626aab76e04881070b347161b4b5750616b5230c5b2f20bfcb68e68aabd60e27130307b70fc15b7c4c2e0”,“format”:“image/png”,“scale”:“fit”,“constrain_width”:1920,“constrain_height”:1920}
10/23 09:12:28 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 10 ms, status code: 304
10/23 09:12:28 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 13 ms, status code: 304
10/23 09:12:28 Trace: [broker/images] getting image features using sha1
10/23 09:12:28 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 30 ms, status code: 200
10/23 09:12:28 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] COMPLETE Success {“faces”:[]}
10/23 09:12:30 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:12:30 Info: [stats] 6689mb Virtual, 628mb Physical, 335mb Managed, 2779 Handles, 149 Threads
10/23 09:12:35 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:12:42 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:12:45 Info: [stats] 6665mb Virtual, 628mb Physical, 335mb Managed, 2803 Handles, 143 Threads
10/23 09:12:50 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:12:55 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:13:00 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:13:00 Info: [stats] 6617mb Virtual, 628mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 2740 Handles, 131 Threads
10/23 09:13:09 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:13:14 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:13:15 Info: [stats] 6677mb Virtual, 628mb Physical, 341mb Managed, 2847 Handles, 146 Threads
10/23 09:13:20 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown
10/23 09:13:25 Trace: [Family Room TV] [Lossless, 16/44 TIDAL FLAC => 16/44] [3% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] That’s the Way Love Goes - Norman Brown

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

The next time this happens I’m hoping you can provide the following:

  • The time in your local timezone that the stop occurs.
  • The track that was playing when this occurred.
  • If you switch to a different Zone does it experience the same problem?

Happened twice again this morning. Playing some oldies:

Oh-Girl by Chi-Lites streaming from Tidal on a playlist

Here is a log excerpt (note that Roon continues to write to the log but no sound on Chromecast). Switching zones plays on the new zone.:

–[ SignalPath ]---------------------------------------------
SignalPath Quality = LowQuality
Source Format=Aac 44100/24/2 Quality=LowQuality
Output OutputType=Cast Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=Chromecast Ultra
DigitalVolume DisplayMode=value GainDb=0 Quality=Lossless Value=passthrough
Output OutputType=Local_Other Quality=Lossless SubType= Model=

10/30 08:43:37 Trace: [streamingmediafile] finished caching
10/30 08:43:40 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:43:40 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] GOT com.roonlabs.image:1/get_image_features {“image_key”:“4e58d73e0e90052294a1425dbcbc939078ed042d692b685c5497ac5628be8b4794fab8f5b705d380d5942fd6b87d02d1554ccb89b2321ad202f26d9847d8d686966060bf4fdbbeec9a55579e42de3584f688c29b1636ab53218287964e83f451a59e0f098e03950d7c93270ff2b6da01”,“format”:“image/png”,“scale”:“fit”,“constrain_width”:1920,“constrain_height”:1920}
10/30 08:43:41 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 444 ms, status code: 200
10/30 08:43:41 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 550 ms, status code: 200
10/30 08:43:41 Trace: [broker/images] getting image features using sha1
10/30 08:43:41 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 34 ms, status code: 200
10/30 08:43:41 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] COMPLETE Success {“faces”:[{“height”:110,“width”:109,“x”:644,“y”:191},{“height”:110,“width”:109,“x”:693,“y”:436},{“height”:91,“width”:92,“x”:454,“y”:159},{“height”:110,“width”:109,“x”:436,“y”:436},{“height”:109,“width”:109,“x”:228,“y”:338}]}
10/30 08:43:41 Debug: [easyhttp] GET to returned after 720 ms, status code: 200
10/30 08:43:47 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:43:50 Info: [stats] 6591mb Virtual, 586mb Physical, 332mb Managed, 3060 Handles, 209 Threads
10/30 08:43:52 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:43:57 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:02 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:05 Info: [stats] 6559mb Virtual, 576mb Physical, 332mb Managed, 3047 Handles, 201 Threads
10/30 08:44:07 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:12 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:17 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:20 Info: [stats] 6579mb Virtual, 552mb Physical, 331mb Managed, 3098 Handles, 206 Threads
10/30 08:44:22 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:27 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:35 Info: [stats] 6515mb Virtual, 552mb Physical, 334mb Managed, 3065 Handles, 190 Threads
10/30 08:44:36 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:42 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:47 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:44:50 Info: [stats] 6567mb Virtual, 550mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 3166 Handles, 203 Threads
10/30 08:44:57 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:45:02 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites
10/30 08:45:05 Info: [stats] 6527mb Virtual, 549mb Physical, 337mb Managed, 3132 Handles, 193 Threads
10/30 08:45:07 Trace: [Family Room TV] [LowQuality, 24/44 TIDAL AAC => 24/44] [4% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] Oh Girl - The Chi-Lites

Thanks, @Bill_Wolff,

Now that I have the timestamps, diagnostics have been enabled on your account. The next time your Core is active a diagnostics report will automatically be generated and uploaded directly to our servers

Once that’s been received, I’ll be sure to update this thread and pass the diagnostics over to the team for further analysis.

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

I spoke with the team about this, and they’re hoping to get a bit more data regarding the behavior you’re experiencing.

  1. The next time this happens on the Chromecast, try switching to System Output. Does the same behavior occur? Does this ever happen with System Output?
  2. Before you mentioned you were using Gig Ethernet on fancy PoE switch — Can you provide specifics about the switch you’re using? What is the exact model?
  3. How often is this happening? Is this every time you try to play content? During certain times of day? When playing back specific content?
  4. Did you try using the local media that Daniel shared above? Were you ever able to reproduce this with that local media?

The lockups always happen at the beginning of a track. When I switch to another target including system output it works immediately. Once the Roon logo goes away on the Chromecast display, I can route the signal back to it. All main devices are wired. I have FIOS gigabit fiber so bandwidth is not a problem. I had 49 people over last night and tried to play for 4+ hours. It locked up about 3 times. I work from home and use Roon on and off all day. The problem happens any time of the day. I never use local media and have no intention to do so.

I have about 15 output devices but this only happens on the main Chromecast Ultra. I purchased Roon 11 months ago and it worked flawlessly until 6 weeks back.

I have a newer Chromecast Ultra in the master bedroom and that one is not failing. I might switch that with the big stereo this weekend to see if it is a Google device problem.

Thanks for you help reviewing this. Roon is awesome…when it works.

Hi @Bill_Wolff,

This would definitely be a great test — If you switch the Chromecast devices does the new one exhibit the same problems? What about if you put the older one in the place of the Chromecast that works? Does it work in the new location?

I did a lot of testing to the other 2 Chromecast Ultras in different rooms. They play more consistently but still get stuck once in a while. This is streaming Tidal playlists.

I then decided to test directly from Quobuz since I temporarily pay for both. The Quobuz Windows player can use Chromecast directly and that works without error.

Today I will test using Quobuz playlists from Roon. Perhaps there is something problematic with Tidal. I do have problems with Tidal periodically on my phone and the same symptom occurs. A song stops at the very beginning.

This streaming stuff is complicated!

I own Amazon Music by way of Prime but that does not include HD and Roon does not support it. I have YouTube Music as part of my Google One account but it does not have good quality and Roon does not support it. I own a Tesla so I was using the built-in Slacker. Poor quality and no playlists. Tesla just introduced Spotify Premium support so I added that. Spotify is good for selection and playlists but poor in quality (but better than Slacker).

In my main listening area I use Tidal for the last 18 months which is how I got turned on to Roon. As reported above, recent dropouts and stalls happen both on my Android App for Tidal and Roon. Sound quality is good but then you have that MCA thing. Playlists are decent in Tidal. I also joined Quobuz 6 months ago and find their quality the best but playlists are limited (no artist radio, no artist essential tracks).

This weekend I bought in to Soundiiz and that is a great experience. I can now make playlists in Spotify and sync them to Quobuz. This makes Tidal unnecessary.

I am running for 2 days now on Quobuz with the playlists from Soundiiz and Roon is working splendidly. I will continue testing this scenario but it seems like my problem was with Tidal streaming and not Roon.