Recent Listening, Valance and Related Features

Am I alone in thinking that this rather large lot of homescreen real estate is something of a waste of space. (I know, I know…“You don’t have to look at it if you don’t like it”; “In a world of war and famine, is this really that important?” Save it. Please.)

Perhaps if I knew how, if, or to what extent this data informs the choices made by Roon’s “ultimate music expert”* (Valence) regarding my Daily Mix offerings, Radio selections, New Releases for You (Me), Recommended for You (Me), and such, I’d find this mishmash of data points more…informational?

Maybe if I understood what to expect out of the ridiculously shrouded Valence I could figure out if such stuff as Radio and Daily Mix are malfunctioning or are just dependent on a really low IQ machine intelligence. Or maybe if it’s still learning! Maybe if the data in the Use Data space does inform Valence, I could do a better job of selecting music in a way that would help it learn how to “present the world of music through a lens personalized just for you [me].”*

*As Roon’s marketing claims…


I don’t use the Roon home page on my iPad at all. I also feel it is largely a waste of space. It tells me my name, which I already know, it tells me how many CDs and tracks I have which is uninteresting, and it takes an unnecessary amount of space to do that, it tells me what I have listened to recently which I can remember, I can’t understand why the seven new releases for me have been selected for me, daily mixes are of no interest as I’d usually rather choose my music myself, especially as I listen to classical, and then half a screen full of huge graphics giving me some again uninteresting statistics, and more analysis of genres and top artists which is of no value to me. I kinda know the broad outline of what I like, don’t need to see it except occasionally. The next bit is good though, if I make it that far, a couple of interesting suggestions, and then the old Discover which I thought was quite good as it gave all sorts of different perspectives on my music and was useful sometimes to seed a suggestion of what to listen to. IMO all the sections should be reorganisable by the user. I would push all the historic ones - statistics, recent listens etc. - to the bottom, and bring the discovery type stuff to the top. And dispense with the greeting, or at least make it a lot smaller.

Totally agree with this and I’d like to see the discovery bar given the same graphical treatment as the sections above it, not just a purple bar.


No, but all this was said when 1.8 came out.

Ah! Missed it.

what about this, all that empty space but if you want queue controls you need to click a button and get to another screen
there was no room to add a shuffle button
the roon philosophy
what about the actual usefulness of valence? do you guys get good suggestions? I only get rubbish
