Refund prior to lifetime purchase

Does anyone here know how I can get the attention of the Roon Sales people?

I have just upgraded to Lifetime membership. Just before I started the process, I inquired (via the Contact form) how I can get the remaining 6 months of my 2018 annual subscription refunded.

The Roon sales guy said he’d take care of it. But nothing happened.

Been total silence since then. I have sent 2 messages, without response.

Can anyone help?

Hi Thomas, I’m moved this to a new topic and unlisted it (which is normal practice for subscription queries). Flagging @kevin who should be able to help you.

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Hi @ledzepp,

Sorry for the trouble here! I responded to all of your emails in our CRM system, but sometimes Yahoo addresses get caught by the spam filter. It’s possible some of the emails or replies you sent never made it to us. Let’s keep our communication here to avoid any further confusion.

That said, I did already issue the $59.50 refund for you on July 9, and sent you an email to confirm the refund had been processed. You should have also gotten a refund receipt the same day.

If the refund hasn’t been posted to your bank account, give your bank a call and they will be able to track this down for you.

Thank you for your patience!

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