Reinstalled Nucleus+ shows as ROCK and fails authorization (ref#LA0HEW)

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I reinstalled on a Nucleus+ Rev B and now the Web UI says "ROCK"not Nucleus + so now my authorization for this Nucleus+ fails as it is no longer a Nucleus. if I deauthorize the original Nucleus, it now wants to start over from scratch and re-index all 227K songs. All I want is to return to baseline with all my existing tags and so on and mount points etc.

Describe your network setup

1Gb ENet, all wired, pfSense F/W, 2 x 80 TB Synology NAS. several Netgear Gb switeches, all working fine. hmmmm. if I discover all Roon devices, it shows Nucleus+ with a different serial # from the ROCK.

A reinstall is always at first identified as ROCK because that’s what the installation image is. And the Nucleus is essentially ROCK plus some tiny pieces of software for thermal management.

The Roon staff can and will remotely trigger the enablement of the Nucleus parts and will let you know here when done. Leave the Nucleus turned on. (You can use it in the meantime but avoid running it at high loads as the thermal management is currently missing until this is done)

Unauthorizing the old Nucleus and authorizing the new one is OK.

The re-indexing is completely independent of this. It seems that currently all your files are seen as new, probably because you have not restored a Roon database backup. At least you did not mention that you did. Do you have a backup made in the previous installation?

Hello @Geoffrey_Baehr ,

Thanks for your message. Please complete the form below, choose option D, and answer the follow-up questions. This should then place you in the remote upgrade request queue:

As for getting your database back, you will need to restore a previous backup, there is more info on how to do this below:

thanks guys, but I want to blow away the ROCK and go back to nucleus AND restore eveything.

The process of reinstalling Nucleus is to install ROCK and then have Roon staff remotely switch on the Nucleus-specific software as described by @noris.

To restore your database with tags and everything, you will then have to restore the Roon database backup, if you have one.

yes I am totally backed up, so no prob

BUT, we have no external inbound access to anything, it is the way we work. so no one can allow internal access here from outside. to be short, we are all Zero Trust and anything w/o mutual certs and crypto both ways aint gonna fly. I can pull something in for examition though to sayDropbox ?
Nothing proxied or real time.

So how do I reconcile the orig Nucleus+ S/N + sw with the backup DB on local NAS disk and then update the Net auth with a new S/N to use existing lib DB and return to baseline? It is not a new box, the race condition is that a restore assigns a new SN, which de-associates the previous auth/images. this was all due an Intel 7i7 NUC croaking inside a Nucleus+. Thermal issue, would not boot reliably.



thanks folks. lemme know pls ? g

The ROCK is (and previously your Nucleus was) already within your network and can create connections to Roon, else nothing would have been working in the first place. Why would this suddenly be a problem? I don’t get it.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Back to Roon staff: @noris :slight_smile:

ok is pretty simple,I want the Rock to return to be a Nucleus +, with a S/n or name that is authorized and then want it to pull in the backup. What’s so inscrutable about that ?


oh and BTW, I followed the exact instructions on their site.

All the zero trust, mutual certs, and “net auth” stuff mainly.

Well did you go there

and did you do this?

Regardless of ROCK or conversion to Nucleus, did you move the music and restore the backup? And is there any problem with this?

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Simple. I want to restore an OS image on an NvME drive. Period, I dont want to lose all the customizations, the mount points, images or so forth. Much less the auth to run the Nuc+ image I paid for ? I want Nuc+, not ROCK. What’s wrong with that ? Suggest a solution pls. Simple description, if you install to a web downloaded NUC image, you end up with NUC ROCK, despite wanting a Nuc+. Why’s my serial # now invalid ? etc etc. You tell me .

Dude, there’s 27 TB of music on 4 mount points. It has NOTHING to do with that. It’s that the base OS is the wrong version, registration wise, so it wont look at the previous config files and wont mount the previous mount points, much less backup files, as it thinks it’a diffrerent rev. Suggestions ?

Thanks guys, request submitted.

lind rgds


Kind Rgds, mistyped

All your configuration files, mount points, settings and so on are held in the Roon Server database, and this is backed up and sitting in your Backup files.

So while you are waiting for Roon Labs to remotely upgrade your ROCK version of RoonOS to the Nucleus+ version, you can simply restore a Backup to your system to restore all your previous configuration and settings.

You originally wrote:

That indicates that when you first started the Nucleus+ after installation of the ROCK RoonOS, you logged into it instead of clicking the “Restore a backup” link on the login screen. As the Help article states:

  • Since this is your first time launching ROCK, you will be asked to log-in when you connect. Instead of logging in, click “Restore A Backup” in the lower-left hand corner

See Step 2 here:

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Got it. Many thanks, restore is 50% complete, appreciate the advice !

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