Release date for iOS App?

I would test it too.

I’d be happy to try it out as well…

I would love to test the app too.

If you are looking for Beta Testers, would love to help out.

And now went the hole thread to some sort of “sign me up-thread”.

I have used TestFlight before. At the appropriate time, someone from Roon will post an invite link for the beta using Testflight, you will have to install that first on your IOS device and then you will be able to install the beta. No need to go on any select beta group list with this route to testing.

IME :wink:

C’mon apple, faster already!

It will be interesting to see.

Any word on the progress of iOS (and for that matter, the next version/build)?

The audirvana remote has already been submitted to the app store. What is happening to the Roon remote?

Is it available to download or is it awaiting approval? I can’t see it yet in the App Store.

Still awaiting approval.

Cheers Andy, to be fair to the Roon guys the Audrivana app has been even a longer time coming, has Damien got Qobuz integration sorted yet? Wish Roon would look at that too.

This week, we released it very slowly to a few people outside Roon Labs, via TestFlight, who happen to be in our alpha testing group.

The reason for the limited release is that finishing up iOS required the upcoming v1.1 build of Roon, which has many more features and bug fixes than just iOS support.

The good news is that everyone has been loving iPad support and most think it’s even better than Android.

The bad news is that our v1.1 is super early stage and is not ready for more wide testing. When v1.1 is more stable, we will consider a public beta. When v1.1 is released, iOS will be out. Those waiting on headless builds for Windows/Mac, v1.1 will also offer those. Same goes for metadata editing and many other things.

We are not ready for more testers yet.


Thanks Danny.

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Thanks. Sounds like July may not happen.

I’d rather have it good than soon. Thanks Danny, it sounds like there is a lot to look forward to with both 1.1 and iOS.

True, but without iOS control family members can’t choose music. May have to abandon Roon until these updates happen.

I’m getting rather impatient but understand that it takes time and effort to get things right. In the meantime at least I will get audirvana remote to play with.

Am I right in thinking that you’ll have to pay for the A+ remote, whereas the iOS remote will be covered by the Roon subscription?